How to change MAC address.


Dec 30, 2010
i would like to know how to change the MAC address on this device. i have installed 2.2.2 and wifi does not work. because it will not register the MAC address. my idea would be reboot back into 2.1 find out mac address. then reinstall 2.2.2 and give it that mac address to identify it self? any tips. i do have terminal emulator on this device. thanks :cool:
Its just an idea but, have you looked to update your routers software? or tried to connect to another access point? As far as i know the MAC is coded into the hardware.

If you goto about in system settings then goto status, your MAC is listed. Its third up from the bottom of the list.

Sent from my IDEOS S7 using Android Tablet Forum
Last edited:
Its just an idea but, have you looked to update your routers software? or tried to connect to another access point? As far as i know the MAC is coded into the hardware.

If you goto about in system settings then goto status, your MAC is listed. Its third up from the bottom of the list.

Sent from my IDEOS S7 using Android Tablet Forum
yes its 00:00:00
If you're trying to connect to an access point and all its doing is saying scanning..... Connecting...... Disconnected

click on Add wifi network in wifi settings, and manually add the network with the exact same name and other settings.

Thats what i had to do for my work networks, as i also had no mac address showing.

Once i added the name manually, it connected right away.

Hope that might help.

Sent from my IDEOS S7