How to Get a Working Google Market

so far this is working on mine.

1) delete cache, clear data, force stop and then uninstall current market.
2) download this market apk. (
3) give it permissions and go to settings and UNCHECK send me emails based on selections.

like I said, its working for me. I am seeing thousands of apps, both paid and free....

*****EDIT***** it is hard to get around and the search function is at best limited.
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so far this is working on mine.

1) delete cache, clear data, force stop and then uninstall current market.
2) download this market apk. (
3) give it permissions and go to settings and UNCHECK send me emails based on selections.

like I said, its working for me. I am seeing thousands of apps, both paid and free....

*****EDIT***** it is hard to get around and the search function is at best limited.

thanks for the information first!
but i was trying to download, but it seems just starting and never finish the download!!
Just checked it and 2.92mb in 3sec. It worked good for me!

Attached is a zipped copy....


  • $
    2.2 MB · Views: 1,469
This new download works like a champ for me as well. . . can see both free and paid apps. . . downloaded one paid app already just to try it out.

Now if we can just find a working Flash player. . . :)
Me too. Like cheesemp I have BBC iplayer and other sites working fine.
Its a pity the unit is going back for a replacement - but 1hr unreliable surfing before shutdown is not sufficient for me.
Ah well, always quicker the second time round.
First off, great resource thread! I know this is an older thread, but I'm hoping that someone out there has the market.bat file for the ugly market or a link to it for download they could share. It would be most appreciated. Thanks a bunch!
First off, great resource thread! I know this is an older thread, but I'm hoping that someone out there has the market.bat file for the ugly market or a link to it for download they could share. It would be most appreciated. Thanks a bunch!

Post 138 of this thread has the "ugly" market.apk
Post 138 of this thread has the "ugly" market.apk

Thank you for responding, but I was interested in finding the the batch file for the install and not just the .apk. I did eventually find a .bat file for the install that I was able to tweak a bit for my application and successfully installed it on my SYNET7LP, BUT...I am unable to download anything from the market. I am able to view all available apps, but when I attempt to download anything it says it's "downloading" and a moment later says "no service" and "unable to download". I've been doing a lot of reading on this topic and have tried doing a clean install with a new id and gmail account including updating my profile. I have also tried clearing data and cache for all applications associated with the market. On a side note, the calendar does not want to sync for some reason. Everything else seems to work fine. I've got a clean install down-packed to no more than ten minutes at this point in time. Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks guys!
Putting the google experience on the tablet

Download the Experience from here

extract the experience to your working adb directory should be c:\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\

now in open a command prompt window and navigate to your working adb directory should be c:\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\

once there type in

adb connect x.x.x.x:1111 (where x.x.x.x is the ip address you wrote down earlier)

now once you are connected to your tablet you will simply run the market.bat file you extracted a few min ago.

type in
market and hit enter

this will push the Gev1 directory to your tablet and then reboot your tablet.


Ok first I must say that this is probably the first How To for installing Andoid Market on these tablets, but you got to be having an idea of what you are doing else you are doomed. So hats off to the author.

Coming to the point I was able to follow it completely and correctly till the point I was supposed to download Google Experience, the link is dead and I can't find market.bat file anywhere on internet, I do have Market.apk files but I don't think that would work here. Can someone please guide me if .apk file (attached in Post # 138) would work here or can someone please upload the original market.bat again.

Thank You :)
Coming to the point I was able to follow it completely and correctly till the point I was supposed to download Google Experience, the link is dead and I can't find market.bat file anywhere on internet, I do have Market.apk files but I don't think that would work here. Can someone please guide me if .apk file (attached in Post # 138) would work here or can someone please upload the original market.bat again.
A question, why are you expending the effort required for the "ugly hack" to enable Market? It's not needed if updated to 2.2 with the new Market application.

The only reason to attempt all of these steps is if you want to try another Android ID generated on a different account which may or may not give more access to applications but again, with the new Market it's not really necessary.

Here's the contents of market.bat. If needed create a text file, copy paste code below, save file with .bat extension. You may need to modify the path to match where the Google Experience (Gmail, Talk, Voice, Maps, Street, ect.) files are saved.

adb remount
REM push system updates
adb push .\gev1\system /system
adb shell rm /data/dalvik-cache/*
adb shell reboot
Cfrockit Thank you for your guidance.

A question, why are you expending the effort required for the "ugly hack" to enable Market? It's not needed if updated to 2.2 with the new Market application.

I own a Disgo 6000 tablet which is Android 2.1 Update 1, so I guess this is the only method I can use to get a working market. Whenever I try to install market or any other google application directly using .apk file it gives an error, "There is a problem parsing the package"

The only reason to attempt all of these steps is if you want to try another Android ID generated on a different account which may or may not give more access to applications but again, with the new Market it's not really necessary.

Correct. Thanks to your help I successfully managed to flash the apps to my device but sadly the only new apps installed were Google Voice, Weather, Goggles etc. There was no Market or Gmail not even the Welcome Wizard . I flashed the latest gapps available here - gapps downloads i.e and even tried which I believe is for Android 2.1 800x480 resolution device. Am I supposed to use an even older Google Experience? I'm using these newer ones on my android phone with 2.3.5 installed and they work like a charm.

So now I'm confused and just don't know what to do.
Well if your current ROM is eclair....and there's froyo and gingerbread after that....then yeah, of course you can't parse the apk's they weren't built for your sdk version. The gapps zips are always package for a particular firmware version. Hence the "gb".
Well if your current ROM is eclair....and there's froyo and gingerbread after that....then yeah, of course you can't parse the apk's they weren't built for your sdk version. The gapps zips are always package for a particular firmware version. Hence the "gb".

Can you please kinda explain what these gb and hdpi mean? And more importantly the suitable gapps version for Android 2.1 update 1.

Thank You! :)