OK after ages searching the web I finally managed to do it for myself and revive the MID1126. ICS runs, with wifi, market, rooted, touchscreen, etc.
Latest build of the ICS 0028:
Workaround without tablet went as follows:
Using the Bluestacks Android Emulator run UpgradeRom.apk
Let it download the rom you select, but dont select "upgrade" since you're in a virtual android
You'll see a status bar update twice in the background. Quit the emulator, don't shut down android as you normally would.
The upgrade.zip file is in /data/com.upgradeandroid.upgrader/files/
You can get it either by running a file utility in the emulator, and try to get it out of the virtual android by uploading it to a cloud or similiar, or mount the virtual androids SD on your PC as follows:
Go to programdata/bluestacks/android and you'll see some .fs images (sdcard.fs , data.fs etc).
Rename data.fs to data.img
Install the Windows ExtFS2 driver Ext2 File System Driver for Windows | Free System Administration software downloads at SourceForge.net
Install Gizmo Driver Gizmo Drive -- Mount ISOs, encrypted hard drive images to a virtual drive
Run Gizmo Driver
Mount data.img (in programdata/bluestacks/android)
navigate to /data/com.upgradeandroid.upgrader/files/
** and there you'll see upgrade.zip **
(These instructions found at Bluestacks Hacks)
Install upgrade.zip via clockwork or maybe the stock recovery.
The clockwork i used is called "recovery_1125.img"... Honestly can't remember where I downloaded it, might be in the patch_1125 package.
If you don't know how to run recovery... Run the tablet in Fastboot while connected to the PC. To do this reset the tablet, holding volume down.
Use the command "fastboot boot recovery_1125.img". This is assuming you have the image and fastboot. You can install the full Android SDK from Google to get these tools or use the Recovery_1125 package.
This will load Clockwork and you can erase data, erase cache, and install .zips (like the upgrade.zip for ICS, Superuser, Gapps... And of course backup/restore your tablet)
Serial numbers that work follow the format 1011100104xx where xx is a number. However mine pops up the register box now and then. You may have to run the upgrade.apk again on the tablet itself.
There's no reason why you can't use the emulator method to download any of the supported roms (I think they're all for Telechips 1ghz based Cobys). Of course, if your tablet is booting, it's much easier to run it on there...
You might find some useful things at hxxp://depositfiles.com/files/h1uyg4031
I only provide this information because my own 1126 has been dead for a long time and there is very little information out there on the web. At least this gets the little beast up and running again!
Latest build of the ICS 0028:
Workaround without tablet went as follows:
Using the Bluestacks Android Emulator run UpgradeRom.apk
Let it download the rom you select, but dont select "upgrade" since you're in a virtual android
The upgrade.zip file is in /data/com.upgradeandroid.upgrader/files/
You can get it either by running a file utility in the emulator, and try to get it out of the virtual android by uploading it to a cloud or similiar, or mount the virtual androids SD on your PC as follows:
Go to programdata/bluestacks/android and you'll see some .fs images (sdcard.fs , data.fs etc).
Rename data.fs to data.img
Install the Windows ExtFS2 driver Ext2 File System Driver for Windows | Free System Administration software downloads at SourceForge.net
Install Gizmo Driver Gizmo Drive -- Mount ISOs, encrypted hard drive images to a virtual drive
Run Gizmo Driver
Mount data.img (in programdata/bluestacks/android)
navigate to /data/com.upgradeandroid.upgrader/files/
** and there you'll see upgrade.zip **
(These instructions found at Bluestacks Hacks)
Install upgrade.zip via clockwork or maybe the stock recovery.
The clockwork i used is called "recovery_1125.img"... Honestly can't remember where I downloaded it, might be in the patch_1125 package.
If you don't know how to run recovery... Run the tablet in Fastboot while connected to the PC. To do this reset the tablet, holding volume down.
Use the command "fastboot boot recovery_1125.img". This is assuming you have the image and fastboot. You can install the full Android SDK from Google to get these tools or use the Recovery_1125 package.
This will load Clockwork and you can erase data, erase cache, and install .zips (like the upgrade.zip for ICS, Superuser, Gapps... And of course backup/restore your tablet)
Serial numbers that work follow the format 1011100104xx where xx is a number. However mine pops up the register box now and then. You may have to run the upgrade.apk again on the tablet itself.
There's no reason why you can't use the emulator method to download any of the supported roms (I think they're all for Telechips 1ghz based Cobys). Of course, if your tablet is booting, it's much easier to run it on there...
You might find some useful things at hxxp://depositfiles.com/files/h1uyg4031
I only provide this information because my own 1126 has been dead for a long time and there is very little information out there on the web. At least this gets the little beast up and running again!