[HOW TO] Installing the adb and mtp Drivers


Senior Member
Dec 2, 2012
This should be a piece of cake, but I and many others have had trouble with it. I suspect it was due to the drivers we were using. There are several ways to do this, and your device will appear (in Windows 7) in different places in Devices and Printers under different names and icons -- depending on which drivers you install -- but I don't think it matters a bit. I've reinstalled my drivers a few times, and my A2109 has appeared as "MTP", "Android phone", and "IdeaTab A2109", and I don't think there have been any significant differences between them. So don't worry about what the device looks like to Windows. Just point to the drivers below.

These are the drivers I currently use:
Don't forget to turn on adb debugging in Developer options, as well as MTP, if necessary.

PS If anyone has any questions, corrections, or additions, let me know and I'll update the post.
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Dec 5, 2012
For Linux, ADB (the one that comes with Android SDK, http://developer.android.com/sdk/) works almost out of the box. Just edit (or create) "/etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules" and add:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="17ef", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"
or if this doesn't work (depends on distribution I guess):
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="17ef", MODE="0666", OWNER="<your_username>"

You also need to restart udev service. On Ubuntu:
sudo restart udev
or on more traditional distributions:
sudo /etc/init.d/udev restart
and re-plug the device.

I am still fighting with MTP (http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/12/...ream-sandwich-phone-to-ubuntu-for-file-access seems not to work, even with upgraded libmtp to 1.1.5). PTP works out of the box, so I'm using it to transfer files back and forth (through Pictures folder).
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Senior Member
Dec 3, 2012
Do you have any idea if it will run in Windows 8 Pro x64?
The OS really isn't to different from Windows 7, It just moves a whole lot faster.


Senior Member
Dec 3, 2012
This should be a piece of cake, but I and many others have had trouble with it. I suspect it was due to the drivers we were using. There are several ways to do this, and your device will appear (in Windows 7) in different places in Devices and Printers under different names and icons -- depending on which drivers you install -- but I don't think it matters a bit. I've reinstalled my drivers a few times, and my A2109 has appeared as "MTP", "Android phone", and "IdeaTab A2109", and I don't think there have been any significant differences between them. So don't worry about what the device looks like to Windows. Just point to the drivers below.

These are the drivers I currently use:
Don't forget to turn on adb debugging in Developer options, as well as MTP, if necessary.

PS If anyone has any questions, corrections, or additions, let me know and I'll update the post.

OK as I've said this is all Greek to me but I learn fairly quickly. Do I just dwnld the .exe file on this page? Or do I have to dwnld everyone of them?
And if everyone has to be dwnld how do I put them all together?


Dec 5, 2012
It's a RAR file, docs.google just shows you the content of this RAR file. Either press ctrl+s or click File->Download. Extract the RAR file and when you plug the device, Windows will ask for drivers. Navigate to the newly extracted folder and tell him to use this drivers. You might have some "Install this driver anyway" warnings if they don't comply with Microsoft policy ;)


Senior Member
Dec 4, 2012

I have Windows 8 Pro 64 bit and when I connect A2109 to USB port of my PC it appears in "Devices and Printers" and shows in Windows Explorer (see attachment).
Do I still need to load those adb and/or mtp drivers?



  • $ideatab.jpg
    12.6 KB · Views: 7,325


Senior Member
Dec 4, 2012
I downloaded RAR file, extracted on my PC into the folder and tried to update drivers. I got the message shown in the attached image. I guess Windows 8 is up to date with hardware drivers.


  • $Drivers.jpg
    12.4 KB · Views: 7,148


Senior Member
Dec 2, 2012

I have Windows 8 Pro 64 bit and when I connect A2109 to USB port of my PC it appears in "Devices and Printers" and shows in Windows Explorer (see attachment).
Do I still need to load those adb and/or mtp drivers?


That's great. It looks good to me. If you don't have LeTools, download them from here:
Synchronization Software

The link says the software is for Win7, but I don't think there is a Win8 version & I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work. Turn on your tablet and make sure you have USB debugging checked in Settings->Developer options. Plug the USB cable into your computer. You should see two notifications: 1)Connected as a media device, and 2)USB debugging connected. The first will allow you to transfer files, and the second will allow you to use fastboot and adb (assuming you have installed LeTools already). You should see the new device notification appear in Windows, signalling that you can transfer files now.

From your LeTools directory, type
adb reboot bootloader

Your tablet will reboot into Fastboot mode. You will see a couple lines of text at the top of your display saying as much. The rest of the display will be blank, except for a yellow symbol in the middle that looks like a connector of some sort. Fastboot mode will allow you to flash images like clockworkmod, kernels, ROMs, etc. Let's ensure that fastboot mode is working. Once again you'll use LeTools on your PC. Type:
fastboot devices

On your PC, you should see:
? fastboot

Now we're happy. Let's get the tablet booted back up. Type:
fastboot reboot

Your tablet will boot as normal. If you still have the tab plugged into your PC, you'll see the Autoplay notification on your PC. If you have made it to this point, your drivers are fine and you can now use adb, fastboot, and media (file) transfer.


Senior Member
Dec 2, 2012
I downloaded RAR file, extracted on my PC into the folder and tried to update drivers. I got the message shown in the attached image. I guess Windows 8 is up to date with hardware drivers.

Yup. :) You can still try adb and fastboot as I describe in my above post. Your drivers are set, so all that is left is to confirm that LeTools works.


Senior Member
Dec 3, 2012
Yup. :) You can still try adb and fastboot as I describe in my above post. Your drivers are set, so all that is left is to confirm that LeTools works.

OK as I've said I'm trying my best to follow this, Please correct me if I'm wrong after you make sure LeTools works your in root and ready to go, As far as deleting programs that you don't want. Once I get a root program?
And is there anything else I need to do to keep it from going back to stock once I've unconnected from my pc and boot my tablet as normal?
And once I'm finished will it stay rooted or go back to being unrooted?
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Senior Member
Dec 4, 2012
No, LeTools doesn't work. During installation of LeTools it is installed drivers. But Windows put yellow triangle next to IdeaTab in device manager, meaning drivers were not installed.
And I read on some website that Windows 8 doesn't allow installation of unsigned drivers.
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Senior Member
Dec 2, 2012
No, LeTools doesn't work. During installation of LeTools it is installed drivers. But Windows put yellow triangle nest to IdeaTab in device manager, meaning drivers were not installed.
And I read on some website that Windows 8 doesn't allow installation of unsigned drivers.

Yeah... there is a Win8 workaround posted on the Lenovo forum. Look near the bottom of the following page for a post by xerse:

If that doesn't work, I'm not sure what to do, but let me know & I'll try to help.
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Senior Member
Dec 3, 2012
No, LeTools doesn't work. During installation of LeTools it is installed drivers. But Windows put yellow triangle next to IdeaTab in device manager, meaning drivers were not installed.
And I read on some website that Windows 8 doesn't allow installation of unsigned drivers.

I pretty sure the "no unsigned drivers" thing only applies to kernel-mode drivers (but I could be wrong). These are not kernel-mode. Take a look at Anika200's guide for Windows 7... the procedure for Windows 8 should be similar.

If that doesn't work, you could try using Google's fastboot from the Android SDK and add '-i 0x17ef' to each command. For example instead of:

fastboot flash recovery A2109_CWMrecovery-

You'd type:

fastboot -i 0x17ef flash recovery A2109_CWMrecovery-