How to Mount Internal SD Card Memory?

Jan 30, 2015
Hello everybody, I own an iRulu 7 inches tablet and some time ago I reformatted the internal 8 Gbs SDCard from FAT32 to NTFS format and misteriously the card didn't get mounted by the tablet. Any time it puts the message "the internal SDCard isn't mounted" and I lost all contact with it. I use an external SDCard perfectly and I have tried a LOT of solutions but I got nothing ... the tablet works perfectly with the external SDCard and any USB I plug on it but the internal SDCard is death... I hope any of you can help me... sincerely yours

Juan Carlos
Welcome to the forum

For many tablets the recommended format for microSD cards is either FAT or exFAT. I would try a new format using your computer and a card reader.
I tried it but it was for nothing... I can't access to the sdcard because it's internal, I also tried to open the tablet but I didn't finish because it seems the be integrated in the board... I realized the FAT32 format is better because I proved it in the external SDCard and when I used the NTFS format the tablet didn't recognize it... bad news I think... thanks for your answer anyway...
Somewhere - somehow you must have left out something from your original post. The internal memory can't be formatted anything other than by the system, so I don't understand how you formatted it NTFS. Did yo do that with it connected to a PC?
That's was how I did it, I connected the tablet to my laptop and formatted the memory to NTFS as any other USB flash... The first time all was ok, but after that I reformatted in order to change the volume name and all was wrong... I screwed up my friend and I think it can't be fixed...
Thanks bro... fortunately I can use an external SDCard without any problem and the microUSB works very good too... the bad thing is I can't use the internal SDCard and the camera doesn't work...
Finally I think everything is lost because I installed an Android Terminal emulator and tried to recognize and mount the internal sdcard but without success.... bad things and a big learning experience. Thanks to all the people...