How to remove an application's preferences?


Jan 15, 2013
Hi there! I am very new to the tablet scene and need a bit of assistance. I was downloading an app for the first time, and a screen popped up with preferences. One of the preferences gave me pause: giving the app full network access. I do not want an app to be able to control my tablet. If they (the apps) need to have it, then I guess I will just have to do without them. I tried to delete them 50 different way, but just could not figure it out. If anyone is familiar with how to delete some preferences from an app, please let me know.

Thank you so much!
Hi iloveuplay, congratulations on your new tablet and welcome to the forum. Nice to have you as a member of Android Tablets. I'm moving your thread to the Android Tablet Q&A section for you, where more people are likely to join the discussion and try to help you find out if it's possible to delete some preferences from an app. Good luck!
You can't remove permissions from an app without rewriting the entire app. However, if you root your tablet there are a couple options open to you. If looking solely to deny Internet access to specific apps, you can install Droidwall to control the tablet's IP tables. If you need to be able to selectively deny permissions, look for Permissions Denied and install it. Or you could install both.

The two apps work in different ways. Droidwall is specifically to prevent apps from accessing the Internet in any way, shape, or form. For example, using Droidwall to prevent Adobe Acrobat from accessing the Internet. Permissions Denied can not only prevent the app from accessing the Internet, it can also deny the app permission to do many other things, such as accessing the GPS to be able to determine your location.

I personally use just Droidwall on my Coby, while my Dell Streak has both Droidwall and Permissions Denied installed. I've had no issues with apps doing what I don't want them to using this approach.
Welcome to the forum. Traveller provided a very detailed explanation and PDroid works in the same way

Without rooting the simple answer is that if you are not comfortable with an apps permissions don't install it. Unfortunately the way of the world is that many many apps are actually to a certain extent spyware and request all sorts of permissions that aren't directly necessary for the app to run. Most people simply over look the permissions so they can run the latest trendy app all their friends have or because they simply don't want to be bothered to think about what the permissions mean (honestly most of us). Part of the interconnected digital world means you become the product and much of your privacy is lost so you can be aggregated into a sales statistic.

Some apps do let you have control over some of their features as does Android OS in general. For example you can go into an apps settings (usually there is a menu button represented by three lines or three dots depending on your version of Android) and tell an app to not share with FaceBook. You can also usually turn off location settings within an app's menu and globally in the Android Settings so that apps cannot use your location.

Agreed with what these gentlemen said.

If you root, you can use an app like Permission Denied to remove permissions from apps:

It may be tough to understand some permissions and why an app needs it, but a navigation app needs access to your contacts in order to be able to navigate to someone's house. Apps may need email access to send crash reports.
Hi iloveuplay, congratulations on your new tablet and welcome to the forum. Nice to have you as a member of Android Tablets. I'm moving your thread to the Android Tablet Q&A section for you, where more people are likely to join the discussion and try to help you find out if it's possible to delete some preferences from an app. Good luck!

Thank you so much! I appreciate it!
You can't remove permissions from an app without rewriting the entire app. However, if you root your tablet there are a couple options open to you. If looking solely to deny Internet access to specific apps, you can install Droidwall to control the tablet's IP tables. If you need to be able to selectively deny permissions, look for Permissions Denied and install it. Or you could install both.

The two apps work in different ways. Droidwall is specifically to prevent apps from accessing the Internet in any way, shape, or form. For example, using Droidwall to prevent Adobe Acrobat from accessing the Internet. Permissions Denied can not only prevent the app from accessing the Internet, it can also deny the app permission to do many other things, such as accessing the GPS to be able to determine your location.

I personally use just Droidwall on my Coby, while my Dell Streak has both Droidwall and Permissions Denied installed. I've had no issues with apps doing what I don't want them to using this approach.

OK, I will give those a try. I just really have a problem with every app being able to control my tablet. Thank you so much for your response!