How to remove stock apps on MID8024


Jun 15, 2011
Nothing earth shattering here folks, just a simple how-to in case anyone else is wondering how they can "get rid" of a few of the stock applications on their Coby Kyros MID8024.

First, install SSHDroid from the market (or XDA), and run it. You don't need to be rooted. SSHDroid will reveal your IP address when you run it, make a note of it, you'll need it in a second.

Next, if you don't have it, download PuTTY (or another SSH client) to your desktop computer. Connect to your Kyros on the address you noted previously, port 2222 (all this info should be on your tablet screen right now with SSHDroid running.)

Now, for the apps you can "get rid" of without rooting. In /system/app, the following seem to have permissions that will let you rename (or delete) them:
  • Appslib_66.apk
  • ut_tscal.apk
  • YouTube.apk
  • com.ut.emusic.apk
  • aldiko-oem-2.00.081.apk
  • ES_TaskManager.apk
  • Launcher2.apk
  • ApkInstall.apk
  • ES_FileExplorer-
  • DeskClock.apk
(Check your permissions if you want, your mileage may vary. I am working on a MID8024, #1563)​

If you're familiar with a Linux command line (and you probably ought to be if you're reading this), do the following to "get rid" of any of the apps above (ES TaskManager as an example):

mv /system/app/ES_TaskManager.apk /system/app/ES_TaskManager.apk.bak​

Reboot when you're all done. I personally did this so I could get rid of Aldiko Reader and ES_TaskManager, two applications that I do not want and which take up RAM that I could certainly use for other things. For me, renaming is fine, and is reversible if you change your mind later, but you could probably nuke them as well.

This is low-risk activity in my book, but as with anything you find on a public form, use at your own risk.
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In case you want a little more power, you can follow SOME OF THE STEPS toward rooting, without actually rooting, and remove additional locked system applications. This should also be relatively low-risk, but does require ADB be setup and working.

How to remove apps that are really locked:
  1. You need a working ADB setup, which is beyond the scope of this post.
  2. Get "" (available on XDA or Google). Extract the file "psneuter" from the zip and place it where your adb binary is (or where you can run it from), you don't need anything else. Don't run the SuperOneClick application.
  3. Run these commands:
    • adb push psneuter /etc/
    • adb shell chmod 777 /etc/psneuter
  4. Now run "adb shell" and type "/etc/psneuter". adb will exit. Wait about 10sec and restart "adb sell"
  5. You should have a command line starting with # (root privileges, only lasts until reboot)
  6. At this point you can use adb shell to rename the offending apps in /system/app. Be careful what you choose to disable, many of those apps are required for your system to run.
WARNING: Use at your own risk here, you CAN mess up your tablet with this method, if you remove vital system apps.