how to root archos 101


Senior Member
May 13, 2011
Hello i made the mistake & upgraded my archos 101 to firmware 2.3.26 and lost root i was rooted with arcangel but after i upgraded all that was lost i tried other rooting apps non of which worked does anyone out there know of a new way to root the archos 101 thanks
Hello i made the mistake & upgraded my archos 101 to firmware 2.3.26 and lost root i was rooted with arcangel but after i upgraded all that was lost i tried other rooting apps non of which worked does anyone out there know of a new way to root the archos 101 thanks
here's the simple way:
[HOWTO] Root easily your Gen8 device [fw 2.0.71 - 2.3.26] + R/W FILESYSTEM - xda-developersyou'll have to install SDE first from archos main site -

the alternate way is to install Urukdroid 1.0 rom. but that's less easier and requires you to reinstall all of your apps and set your setting again.
I can confirm BOTH methods suggested by leo212 work. I did follow chulri's thread on XD Developers yesterday, installed the SDE, firmware, he's got links to all versions and detailed instructions. Pretty neat, and I got root access (your choice of temporary or permanent).

But after doing that, I found the thread about UrukDroid, and reading it, realized how much it had to offer.

So, this morning I went in to read, get the files and try installing it. Worked well - UrukDroid is very polished, detailed instructions provided, although it is not a very simple procedure.

The tablet feels a lot different now, the slow downs that came and went seem to be gone. I restored apps and settings from Titanium Backups, and that made things a lot easier.

I am new to Android, but have experience in various other op systems over time. UrukDroid deserves consideration, imo. ;)