[HOW TO] Using Handbrake To Convert Video For The Nook Color

Thought decrypting applies to blu ray primarily unless some of the newer dvd is encrytped. Most of the dvd i so far have tried worked ok but i am sure some of the newer ones might have better drm schemes
Wow, I HAVE to give it a try. :) Wait...did I just plagiarize RaVenJ???

Thanks Matt for the catch. I still need to figure out the difference between the cards. I guess it is the MICRO? I haven't ordered anything yet.

Well I was able to RIP and decode from Freemake Video Converter. I used the MPEG-4 format. It was easy and had and "Android" setting.

I was able to load my second video.....so it works. I haven't used the .264 format as I don't have the patience yet to know if it works or not. Now that I am more comfortable I will probably give it a try.
Great, Thank you sharing the nice post, I through google, I found a easy way to watch movies on Nook Color, the perfect way to paly videos on Nook Color is use powerful software Video to Nook Color Converter. Learm More form iCamcorder Blog
Using help from this thread and others, I made my first attempt last night to get a video on my rooted NC. I used DVDshrink and Handbrake. I was successful! I used a short DVD (40mins) as my tester. It's a nature/documentary type film about Arizona. The video looked great. Beautiful actually. Audio volume was low without headphones, but in sync. But...

It took Handbrake over almost 2 hours to convert a 40min DVD! This can't be normal! I used the settings given by the OP. Was it due to the "visually stunning" landscapes? Is my PC just THAT crappy? Did I do something wrong? Anyway, I'd like to try an actual movie this time and don't want it to take my whole day up. I know I could let them convert while I sleep, but I like to know that it worked instead of tossing and turning, hoping that I wake up to new video for my NC.

I just downloaded Freemake, so I'm going to try that with the Android or NC settings. I hope it does the job faster. I don't need my videos to look amazing, just watchable. Enjoyingly watchable. Lol.

Any help or suggestions welcome. Thanks.
Sigh. I used Freemake to convert my copy of Willy Wonka. Took an hour (faster than Handbrake). Video is full screen and looks great. Audio is in SPANISH?!?! Why??? I selected English audio and removed the other options. Not cool. I seriously need some help with this :( There goes an hour wasted of my day.
Sigh. I used Freemake to convert my copy of Willy Wonka. Took an hour (faster than Handbrake). Video is full screen and looks great. Audio is in SPANISH?!?! Why??? I selected English audio and removed the other options. Not cool. I seriously need some help with this :( There goes an hour wasted of my day.

I ran into this on a DVD. The English version was actually the listed French Version. Try the other Audio versions and use the preview capability. It helps not waste an hour.
Does it matter to the battery run time which converter is used or player. What is the actual movie run time on battery? Thanks
If you decide to use DVDShrink let me know and I'll share a few tips. :)-Matt

I've been using DVDShrink for years now to, um backup, my DVD's. I would be interested in your recommendations for settings in regards to ripping before converting for NC. Thanks!

Also, what app do you folks use to WATCH these converted videos? Which do you prefer?
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Ok, after playing with it all night I have figured out some things:

1. You can leave the framerate same as source for HD content. The resulting file plays MUCH smoother.

2. I use a constant quality of 22, anything more makes the nook struggle.

3. For each video I select "Anamorphic Loose" and I change the width to 848. The resulting file ALWAYS plays for me (and I have done like 20 from many different HD sources).

4. Under audio, CRANK the DRC (I go to he max- 3.75). This helps overcome the nook's quiet speaker.

5. m4v and mp4 extensions work in the stock player.
That's neat, thanks for the pointers! I wonder why I never got HD @60fps to work...is that what your source is at? I'm gonna make a wild guess and speculate that you're using 1080i @30fps...seems unlikely (I'm definitely wrong if you're starting with Bluray), but I can't otherwise figure out how "same as source" would work AND the converted file play on the Nook.

I'm really curious about your DRC setting...I definitely need to give that a try! Do you get any distortion...how about with headphones?

Ooops, I really let me ignorance show on the Bluray comment...I stupidly figured Bluray was 60fps... :( Since it's 24fps of course you should leave it as is.

Thanks for following up. :)

I want to take the discussion a slightly different way - away from 720p at least. My wife is going on a trip next week and wants some movies for her NC. What is the LOWEST quality output you guys have done that still looks good on the admittedly small NC screen? I don't need great image so much as a decent balance between IQ and file size.