[HowTo] A2109 Fastboot

You can only use adb from adb mode. You can only use fastboot from fastboot mode. Also, I don't know that you want to enter fastboot ... boot boot.img. If anything, that will just reflash your kernel. But I don't think it will do anything, actually.
I want to root the A2109A and therefore I want to do everything, which is needed for it. As far as I understood it, I need fastboot, CWM and superuser. In the beginning of this thread, there was LE Tools mentioned, which asks for drivers. I cannot find them for XP.
I want to root the A2109A and therefore I want to do everything, which is needed for it. As far as I understood it, I need fastboot, CWM and superuser. In the beginning of this thread, there was LE Tools mentioned, which asks for drivers. I cannot find them for XP.

There is an excellent guide here to installing the drivers. If the guide doesn't say where to download them, you will have to search the Lenovo site. I don't know either.

I have also written a guide to installing the drivers, and I believe it is on this site. It is not nearly as detailed as the other, tho.
Believe me I searched a lot (for hours) and found only sites which would lead to other downloads. I searched for "install driver forum lenovo"

Now I did it again and entered Lenovo Support - Drivers & Software (US)

Unfortunately I went back and now I see "There are no matching documents found for your selected product. Please refine your product selection." Maybe there is a cookie or cache fooling me, because I saw already different OS to choose including Linux and XP.
Believe me I searched a lot (for hours) and found only sites which would lead to other downloads. I searched for "install driver forum lenovo"

Now I did it again and entered Lenovo Support - Drivers & Software (US)

Unfortunately I went back and now I see "There are no matching documents found for your selected product. Please refine your product selection." Maybe there is a cookie or cache fooling me, because I saw already different OS to choose including Linux and XP.

If you find an option for a download for Win7, use that, as it should work for XP. If not, you should ask at the Lenovo forums. Keep bumping your thread several times a day until you get an answer -- they have mods that should be able to help if no one else can (but be nice -- many are volunteers).
Win 7 doesen't show a driver or anything to download.

I'm talking with someone now on the Lenovo forum with the same problem. I suggest you post a thread over there as well. Certainly one of the threads will draw a correct answer.
< waiting for device > drives me crazy, I worked already once. USB-debugging is activated on the tablet.

$ adb devices
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
List of devices attached
FD60****** device

fastboot devices has no result.

$ fastboot -i 0x17ef boot boot.img
< waiting for device >

$ fastboot flash recovery A2109_CWMrecovery-
< waiting for device >

My question is, do I have to execute "fastboot -i 0x17ef boot boot.img" everytime immediately before I do "fastboot flash recovery A2109_CWMrecovery-" or is it enough to do "fastboot -i 0x17ef boot boot.img" once?

I have no idea, what I did the last time, when it worked.

why aren't you doing this as root?

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< waiting for device > drives me crazy, I worked already once. USB-debugging is activated on the tablet.

$ adb devices
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
List of devices attached
FD60****** device

fastboot devices has no result.

$ fastboot -i 0x17ef boot boot.img
< waiting for device >

$ fastboot flash recovery A2109_CWMrecovery-
< waiting for device >

My question is, do I have to execute "fastboot -i 0x17ef boot boot.img" everytime immediately before I do "fastboot flash recovery A2109_CWMrecovery-" or is it enough to do "fastboot -i 0x17ef boot boot.img" once?

I have no idea, what I did the last time, when it worked.

I am a little confused if you are working with linux or windows at this point, which OS are you working with?

You actually have to put the device into "fastboot" mode before issuing the fastboot commands from the terminal/command prompt. It looks like you are skipping a step.
So you need to:
1) Have the recovery in the same folder as adb and fastboot application.
2) Turn on the a2109 and plug it into the usb port on the back of the pc
3) Put the a2109 into fastboot mode by issuing
adb reboot bootloader
4) Wait for the a2109 to reboot into fastboot mode, there will be some tiny text in top left of a2109 screen
5) Issue the fastboot commands you want from the pc terminal/command prompt
For example
fastboot -i 0x17ef flash recovery A2109_CWMrecovery-
6) Wait for it to be done.
7) As soon as possible do a nandroid backup
He is using Linux and refusing to type commands as root, why? my guess he either doesn't understand Linux or his Linux root structure has been altered.
I tried it first as (real) root and then as user under linux. $-prompt is for user, # for root. Why do you think I am refusing to type commands?

At the thread were you asked I tried with Linux as user and I am talking in this thread about linux.

Have the recovery in the same folder as adb and fastboot application.

I installed with adb-fastboot-install - A script to install ADB & Fastboot on Mac OS X and/or Linux - Google Project Hosting

$ which adb

$ which fastboot

Have the recovery in the same folder as adb and fastboot application.

What do you mean with this? I thought I have to copy
A2109_CWMrecovery- to the sdcard? Actually it is on the external sdcard.

Do I have to copy A2109_CWMrecovery- to /usr/bin/? Seems to me very strange.

I will go on with your steps. after you answered my questions. Thanks!
In the meantime I tried it with Windows XP Home. LE-Tools are installed now. The searched drivers will be installed automatically, if they are missing.

I followed the pictures at the beginning of this thread, and I don't see fastboot at the device manager.


So there is more than 1 adb.exe and fastboot.exe installed in my system. I tried the ones from Lenovo.

adb reboot bootloader showed this for a few seconds:


After this I opened the device manager I saw this. There is no fastboot.

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Ok just got mine today no problem unlocking bootloader or using fastboot.

root@Vamp:/home/vampirefo/Desktop# fastboot -i 0x17ef oem unlock
(bootloader) Use device key for selection.
OKAY [ 0.000s]
finished. total time: 0.000s
root@Vamp:/home/vampirefo/Desktop# fastboot -i 0x17ef boot '/home/vampirefo/Downloads/A2109_CWMrecovery-'
downloading 'boot.img'...
OKAY [ 0.963s]
OKAY [ 0.174s]
finished. total time: 1.136s

The hardest part was finding the sdcard slot, why hide it?

I recommend getting this app https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.siriusapplications.quickboot

selecting bootloader reboots you fastboot mode.

to get out of fastboot

root@Vamp:/home/vampirefo/Desktop# fastboot -i 0x17ef reboot

finished. total time: 0.000s
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Have the recovery in the same folder as adb and fastboot application.

What do you mean with this? I thought I have to copy
A2109_CWMrecovery- to the sdcard? Actually it is on the external sdcard.

Do I have to copy A2109_CWMrecovery- to /usr/bin/? Seems to me very strange.

I will go on with your steps. after you answered my questions. Thanks!

Yes, follow my instructions. You are pushing the recovery image from the pc and writing it directly to the boot device with the fastboot program. If you have it on your sdcard then you have not read the instructions (mine or mcl630) properly and you should read them over more carefully. :)
I asked you to put it in the same directory as fastboot to simplify errors etc.... Since it does seem like you are new to Linux.