Huawei - Ideos 7" Tablet S7 Just showed up on Best Buy's site

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in the right hand corner on the home screen there is an exclamation icon click on that after you have tethered your tablet and there will be in the notification area a place to mount or unmount your sd cards hope this helps
Check apn?

Name: AT&T
APN: wap.cingular
Proxy: leave blank
Port: leave blank
Server: leave blank
MMS Proxy:
MMS Port: 80
APN Type: leave blank

Thanks for your suggestion. No luck. Even voice is not working. I even echanged the device thinking maybe the radio was bad, but still no luck. Can't beleive I would have 2 faulty devices. Any other suggestions?
Try a different BB store stock and maybe you won't have that issue?
Try a different BB store stock and maybe you won't have that issue?
Well that was exactly what I did. Same city though. So I take it that folks have got AT&T 3G to work. When I check the status in about tablet it identifies everything, like my phone number, the netwrok type etc. but has a disconnected ststus. I will keep looking.

I'll go check it out myself. What type of CPU is in this puppy?

Snapdragon QSD 8250 @ 768
You can root it with Androot and overclock it. Should be capable of 1ghz. I have tried it over 800mhz without problems.

I purchased the S7 yesterday from Best Buy for $299. and was really jazzed over all of the capabilities for the price.
I struggled all day with A T & T and Huawei Tech. support to get 3G working but the phone worked OK.
The Best Buy and A T & T stores were of no help. Huawei led me to the APN setting problem.
A T & T gave me the wrong settings.
Yours works great!
I was getting ready to throw unit accross the room.
Thanks for the help!
I will pass this along.

I purchased the S7 yesterday from Best Buy for $299. and was really jazzed over all of the capabilities for the price.
I struggled all day with A T & T and Huawei Tech. support to get 3G working but the phone worked OK.
The Best Buy and A T & T stores were of no help. Huawei led me to the APN setting problem.
A T & T gave me the wrong settings.
Yours works great!
I was getting ready to throw unit accross the room.
Thanks for the help!
I will pass this along.

Glad you got it going. I am still struggling with it. So how did you get the APN to stick. I hit save and it just goes back to the APN screen and doesn't seem to add anything. I got it tethered to my phone but would love to get the SIM working right on the device.
OK I now at least got the APN to stick after a complete reset. Still no voice or data. I might drive down to another city and get it from another BB. Really like everything about this device.
Thanks to all for their suggestions. I did go and exchange it one more time from another store 45 miles away. Everything works now! As they say "third time is the charm":)
Way to go shanksv. Glad it is working.

I tried my T-Mo sim card but nothing. I didn't play with any other settings so I will wait till I can find something about their settings or go exchange it like you did.

I am really liking it for what I want to do except now I have to learn about encoding dvd's and that seems to be all over the map. Using handbrake now and it seems to be working but looks like it will take a really long time to it.
Way to go shanksv. Glad it is working.

I tried my T-Mo sim card but nothing. I didn't play with any other settings so I will wait till I can find something about their settings or go exchange it like you did.

I am really liking it for what I want to do except now I have to learn about encoding dvd's and that seems to be all over the map. Using handbrake now and it seems to be working but looks like it will take a really long time to it.

am told that TMobile 2G works on this;
What app did you use to overclock your tablet? And what settings do you have it overclocked at? Thanks
I have been using the overclock widget from the market place. I cannot get it to stick above 768 though. I got it to show 800 but it won't stay. I also tried setCPU but you need a text file created for it to overclock I have not figured out how do that yet.
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