Huawei S7 Foyo 2.2 Build Discussion


Staff member
Sep 24, 2010
This thread is to be used ONLY for on-topic discussion of the work being done to create a 2.2 ROM.

Please DO NOT post rants, complaints or anything else relating to the S7 in this thread, it will be deleted.

DEVS - please share your progress, questions and relevant posts here.
Well that looks like something finally from Huawei, that is traceable back to Huawei that actually say 2.2, and a timeframe for it! Great news!
That is great news! Well at least they gave us a month and not a season like Verizon did on the 2.2 roll out for the X and make it by one day!
Good day for the S7, I have the apps on the SD card working and now this. Glad I made the choice to get this one and not something else.
did any one even look at that post both people say Huawei Staff
I say its just some one with a made up account hes only got 3 post its not real
did any one even look at that post both people say Huawei Staff
I say its just some one with a made up account hes only got 3 post its not real

Have you tried to create an account with that status ? I dont think it is possible.
the more i look at those threads..........all of them say Huawei Staff........and the one concerning 2.2 upgrade in march, the poster replied on 1/7/11 and thats the date he registered.... hmmmmmmm
I've heard that Telstra is working on 2.2 for the s7.
I dont know haw much stock to put into this. But im going to spend the weekend trying to get the kernel that is used for 2.2 working.


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I belive that we need to stop ruining this thread that originally is about developement.
It wasn't my intention to start this kind of discution here on this topic but just to point something is going on. And to tell you that their enginiers are working on do you think that rotating in 4 points came with the last firmware? If you dont know this has been introduced with 2.3 version of android.

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