Huawei Users Group

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What are talking about CORRECT charger? It's just another 5v, 2Ah car charger. So what's the BIG deal?
Adapter #5 3.2mm? I said that!
In all honesty it's the same make I saw on the military base.
Anyway thanks for your first post and interest.
Hi all-

Looking for a first android tablet and currently considering the advantages of an Archos 7o vs. the Huawei S7. It seems they're fairly comparable (although with the Archos 2.2 recent release that might be changing), except that I've heard you can get the Huawei for significantly less than the 7o internet tablet. Searching around I haven't found that yet...but maybe I'm looking in the wrong places. Is there a reliable source I'm missing?

Also - I'm willing to pay less and put some time in to rooting/modding a tablet to get it up to speed so to speak. Ideally I'm just looking for a quick processor, froyo, wifi and mic with the ability for skype. HD video, webcam, phone capability, etc. not necessary. capacitive screen would be nice. I thought the S7 or 7o would be my only choice, but maybe I'm missing something?
hello everyone ... newbie here ...but familiar with android. I'm getting ready to head over to BB and purchase the Huawei S7 concern about the Huawei S7 is the notification bar. i plan to use it as a phone and i'm wondering like if i get sms ..mms.. email or missed calls ...will it notify me like a regular phone? would i be able to see icons in the notification area? other than that i think its gonna be a great buy. i plan on participating on modifying the S7 for further improvements. so yeah my s7 will be a ginny i can do to improve the S7 just holler at me ..i will help. Thanks..:)
The status bar is just like my phone. I see notifications when i get texts.

Sent from my Ideos S7 using Android Tablet Forum App
I asked them too. it not allow but this one you have 2 months return. I don't why but the guy show me one the receive return on january 31 when I bought Nov 31. I don't know why ?
The status bar is just like my phone. I see notifications when i get texts.

Sent from my Ideos S7 using Android Tablet Forum App

Hi, would you be able to post a screenshot of the notifications?

Just like the OP I plan on using my S7 as a full functioning phone so getting visual (and audible) notifications of SMS/MMS/email/voicemail are a must.

Thank you. :)
It behaves like any android phone giving the same notifications and sound alerts except it operates in full speakerphone mode unless you hook up a wired or BT headset. Speakerphone is actually good!

Sent from my Ideos S7 using Android Tablet Forum App
More info -
The unit will charge properly from 1Ah supply but only if wifi and BT are not enabled.
I found a dual 1Ah USB adapter in Biglots and it works perfectly.
If you need to make a USB cable get the power tip "G" from Radio Shack and combine it with their inline cable adapter socket on the end of a cut of USB cable. Obviously make sure you cut off close to the correct end.
If you buy on of the older Motorola phone chargers (round barrel tip) you already have the cable which you can unsolder from inside the car adapter and add on the USB plug from a spare cable.
Make sure you solder the connections and heat shrink tube the joints!!!!!!!!!
Or you could use a small plug and socket which wouls push the cost up.
I have ended up with a car charger that cost me about $12 which although is only 1Ah is adequate as I'm not driving along and constantly using all the power functions. Which makes me now wonder if it's enough to keep the GPS going? I'll check that!
Anyway does anyone else have a car charger?

Sent from my Ideos S7 using Android Tablet Forum App
With the Archos you get a hard drive and capacitive touch screen.
The Huewei is cheaper and 3g enabled for phone (SIM slot) and data.
Personally I prefer the screen. You can use it with gloves on!!!!

Sent from my Ideos S7 using Android Tablet Forum App
Huawei SmaKit S7 and Huawei Ideos s7? which one better ? I know best buy selling the huawei ideos s7 now ? I saw some video about Smakit s7 already andriod 2.2 . The huawei ideos s7 on best buy have andriod 2.1. This one can upgrade to 2.2 ? Thanks
The Bracketron GPS car charger kits are in Target at $24.99!

Sent from my Ideos S7 using Android Tablet Forum App
I think similar is the word. AFAIK it's only theandroid version that is different.
Other known differences are the inclusion of only one camera on the euro (Nordik?) version.

Sent from my Ideos S7 using Android Tablet Forum App
Thanks for the info guys....i went to my local bestbuy in massachussetts and they had none in stock:(...according to the sales rep its a hot item. and that people used to come and buy 2 S7s. they sent me to bestbuy in CT were they had 2 left and when i got there they were gone.:mad: so i went to the another bb they had one left but it was a returned item and they were willing to settle for 275. so i tried it popped in my tmo sim card played with it and yes all notification icons were there for sms ...ect...but the responsiveness of the screen was so terrible now i know why the person returned it. so i didn't get. i had to press down on the screen like if i was pushing a thumb tack or something. when i went to the display area were they had the tablets , the S7 that was on display was nice and smooth to operate i didn't have to press down ..just tap. It probably had to do with the calibration but i wasn't gonna spend all that money on a returned item.
I just ordered 2 S7 from the BB website so i get it in 5 working days.
God all i wanted was a tablet so i can go to sleep and wake up in the morning feeling like a new man :p but i ordered 2 so in five days i'll be feeling like Moses:D

Thanks guys for the info though .....i'll be checking in to help others.
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