Good evening to all. I am new to the forum, hence the new member introduction. I live on the central coast of California, USA. I am of the age to have grown up with computers. I remember the Commodore 64, the 386, 486, and when 75Mhz was blazing fast clock speed. I am not an expert by any means. I know my way around computers but if you start using all of the jargon, my eyes start to glaze over.
I am cheap, in that I spend/waste(?) my money on off brand gadgets. So far I have been fortunate and have not suffered any ill consequences. I bought 2 iRulu 10.1 inch AN101 tablets for the wife and myself and some 7 inch tablets AL003's for the kids. The worst thing I have to say about them is that the battery life on the 7 inch tablets is pretty atrocious, but what can you expect for $70.00. Anyway, I am not an Apple person. I do not dislike Apple or Apple people, although they can be annoying
. I just don't want to spend 500 plus, even for the safest, fastest, blah blah blah on the face of... so I chose Android, cause, well, it isn't Window OS
Kiddding. I have Windows OS's on my non tablet devices.
Long story short, I am sure I have questions that need or will to be answered as that is what lead me here in the first place. I will try to chime in from my own limited experience and hopefully have a good time.
I am cheap, in that I spend/waste(?) my money on off brand gadgets. So far I have been fortunate and have not suffered any ill consequences. I bought 2 iRulu 10.1 inch AN101 tablets for the wife and myself and some 7 inch tablets AL003's for the kids. The worst thing I have to say about them is that the battery life on the 7 inch tablets is pretty atrocious, but what can you expect for $70.00. Anyway, I am not an Apple person. I do not dislike Apple or Apple people, although they can be annoying
Long story short, I am sure I have questions that need or will to be answered as that is what lead me here in the first place. I will try to chime in from my own limited experience and hopefully have a good time.