I Come In Peace


Dec 15, 2011

I became a member in Dec. 2011 yet I became very busy and even lost this site. I am so thrilled to ne reconnected.
This is my introduction. I have 2 adult children and 2 grandchildren. I love knowledge and Learing. I actually had started taking college cources in computers but due to illness had to leave school. I do have great training on PC functioning. I can even repair them to an extent. I have also removed and added hardware.
However the tablets are new to me and I feel a bit nervous at the thought of.opening them up. Oh I'm going to do it due to my love for technology.This is how I arrive here with you Guy's.I hope we can have a long and properous relationship as we grow inknowledge and wisdom in droidology.
Welcome to the forum! I joined as you not knowing much about Android ,that's why my name but now its much better, I learned so much thanks to the forum .Hope to see you around for a long time

Samsung Galaxy Note
Hello and welcome to the forum. nice of you to become a member and join us here at Android Tablets. Make sure you bookmark the site, we wouldn't want to lose you again.:eek: I'd put the idea of opening up a tablet on hold for a while if I were you, but if you'd enjoy doing it vicariously, there are several threads on the forum showing what you'd find inside of various tablets. Just go to the forum search box in the upper right corner of any forum page, below "Settings". Put the word "teardown" in the box and click on the little magnifying glass. When the list of threads appears, click on one that has "teardown" in the title and you should see pictures showing the inside of a tablet. Have fun and enjoy the forum!:cool: