i need help with my tablet im not a computer guru please help me


Aug 22, 2011
i have a wonder media 8650 with green/red led vibrate on start black ear phone jack and it wont come back on i need to know what firmware i can use and how do you extract the files and i dont know what is baychanger i have know idea of what this is .. i feel like ive just paid for a fancy brick please someone give me some guidance on what to do my tablet just shows a black screen no android logo or nothing thx in advance
Have you ever actually used it before, or has it never worked? I assume you've tried turning it off and back on by holding the power button?

I really don't know beyond that. There's not much else it could be. In my experience, consider it...a ​potentially useful brick that an hopefully be returned for another?:confused:
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Hi. Sorry to hear you are having such a frustrating time. I had a similar heart failure recently. I couldnt get my Samsung tab to get back to life. When the tabs battery dips below a certain point , plugging it in does not automatically make it `light up` I was so absorbed that i actually didnt notice the state of my battery. You might want to connect it to some 'juice' for a spell and try it again. Make sure it is charging. (Yip been there as well.) If after all that you press and keep the power button in and still nothing, it might be a problem you are not going to be able to solve. Under the sales conditions you should be able to return it. I dont think brick is an option! There are many providers that can direct you to a repair center. Had a bad case of condensation damage after visit to Uganda and was told that sales conditions do not pply to water damage. Still was able to get it fixed! Frustrating but better than brick!:-D

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Android Tablet Forum
yeah it worked just fine for about 2 weeks and then kaput it just vibrates when it powers up and just a black screen with a green led light i need to know how do i use the firmware for this type of tablet i dunno know how to unzip files use batchanger etc etc