

Sep 14, 2012
HI ALL,A couple of years back i purchased 3 Zenithink ZT180 EPADS which was the among the silliest things I have done.
O ne of these tablets was purchased on behalf of a friend who had problems with turning it on,so feeling a bit guilty I exchanged it for one of mine and found that the problems he was having was only that he was not pressing the start button long enough.
This computer was then stored away for one of our kids and recently we pulled it out of storage and attempted to log on only to find that our friend must have entered a screen lock pattern which consists of a number of dots that appear on the screen which must be connected in the correct sequence to unlock it,well try as hard as we can we can not come up with the correct sequence to unlock it.
I took the useless thing to a freind who is a computer technician and he also could not unlock it and said the easiest way would be to reset it to factory settings however he had been told unless this was done right you would lose the Android operating system.
I have found a site that runs through howto unlock it and states that clicking on settings then on privacy then scrolling down to reset to factory settings and follow his instructions from there.
Well my problem is when I click on privacy reset to factory settings does not come up,nor can I find restore to factory settings on this EPAD.
Can any one shed any light on (1)how to unlock the screen lock. (2) how to safely reset it to factory settings (3)how to throw it far enough away that no one will ever find it.
And just to finish up please,please ,please dont buy one spend a few $extra an buy an Asus Transformer
Hi Igg, welcome to the forum. I'm moving your thread to the Zenithink Tablets section for you, where more people familiar with the ZT180 are likely to join the discussion and try to help you. Good luck!
Hi Igg, welcome to the forum. I'm moving your thread to the Zenithink Tablets section for you, where more people familiar with the ZT180 are likely to join the discussion and try to help you. Good luck!
Thank's spider but if other people brought Zenethink's I trust they are not as dumb as I am,I have noticed there is a a small hole down the bottom which is past the the reset entry and this small hole has a small pin symbol shown near it so I am assuming it is a factory reset point,but I need to find out more before i probe this hole otherwise I'll probably lose the whole Android system,
That is the reset hole and pushing a pin into it should reset the tablet to it's original factory settings. Anything added after that would be deleted. On some tablets, maybe yours, the original language setting was Chinese and the seller changed it to English before shipping the tablets. I'm hoping someone familiar with that particular tablet can reply here and let you know whether that's true for your tablet or not. If so, your option (3) might be the way to go here.:rolleyes: (Unless you or one of your friends speak Chinese.)
unfortunately I dont speak Chinese but I could try trading it at the local Asian food takeway it might be good for a meal of steamed rice (dont know if it would bring a plate of fried rice)
I could try trading it at the local Asian food takeway

Or maybe pay one of the folks working there a couple dollars to reset it to English if necessary.:rolleyes: On the other hand, it may come back to life in English and your problem will be solved. We don't know.:confused:

I'd suggest you reset it and see what happens. At this point, you don't seem to have any alternative. If it's in English, you're done. If not, try getting the settings changed back. If you still have access to one of the other two you bought, you could place them side by side and change the settings that way. Go through the settings on the English one and press the corresponding options on the other until you get to the language settings. Then, if for example English is the third option on the English screen, press the third thing on the other tablet and cross your fingers for luck.:cool: Good luck!
Or maybe pay one of the folks working there a couple dollars to reset it to English if necessary.:rolleyes: On the other hand, it may come back to life in English and your problem will be solved. We don't know.:confused:

I'd suggest you reset it and see what happens. At this point, you don't seem to have any alternative. If it's in English, you're done. If not, try getting the settings changed back. If you still have access to one of the other two you bought, you could place them side by side and change the settings that way. Go through the settings on the English one and press the corresponding options on the other until you get to the language settings. Then, if for example English is the third option on the English screen, press the third thing on the other tablet and cross your fingers for luck.:cool: Good luck!

Yeah I would have tried that,however these Zenithinks are such a state of the art piece of equipment that even their screen locks fix them selves (joke) I powered on this morning and lo and behold the Android logo came up I then tapped settings and somehow found screen lock (dont ask me how I found it cause the answer would be in left handed braille) and I was then able to untick the screen lock box and away we went, problem solved except I still need to find out how far I can throw it but the bloody thing has probably been crossed with a boomerang and keep coming back to me,I have also emailed Zenithink and asked for their address so I can send it back to them but so far they have'nt replied so I assume they dont want it.
If any of you guys are considering buying one please dont even consider it,I have purchased an Asus F101 transformer and it is a little ripper and the benefit of the transformer over the ipad is you are not locked into Apple and you can download heaps of free programmes running the Android system,same could be said for other good brand tablets i.e Toshiba etc etc
Glad to hear the Zenithink is working again, thanks for coming back to let me know what happened.:) I'm sure you'll find some use for it.
Yeah I guess I will find some use for it like leaving the 3 of them on display at my local computer workshop to advise prospective customers on what not to buy,or perhaps I might give them to my grandkids of which I have a couple of aussie athletes amongst them and offer a prize to those that throw them the furtherest.
Seriously I take this opportunity to thank those forum members that have donated their time and expertise in trying to help me overcome a problem,and as I am an Android fan I guess I will require some help in the future
,so until them I will just ride off into the sunset.