
It may or may not help but a dirty screen can make a difference. Try a good cleaning and see if it helps. If not, at least you will have a clean screen :)
now for my serious response, I gave the screen a really good clean which was better than the usual quick just get rid of the finger marks clean and it has allowed the screen to become a little more responsive, but even with this improvement it is still not good so I'm going to hook up a mouse to it and see how that goes.
I,ve had a guy called Michael (which probably means "big time rip off " in Zenethink language,)and how he got my email adress is beyond me except it may haave been in response to emails I sent some time back trying to contact Zenethink.
In his email I think he was trying to sell me another Zenethink to which I replied that the Zenethink's I had purchased were rubbish to which he replied tht the life time of the ZT180 was 1 year and even ipad had 4 versions now to which I replied that the Zenthinks did not perform from day one.He then sent me a further reply saying and I quote THE ZENETHINK IS NOT SELLING WELL RIGHT NOW BUT THE OTHER TABLET pc IS SELLING WELL.
I then asked him what other tablet? to which he sent me a list which for those that are interested or those that may be trying to serve it up to Zenethink can be found at :Shenzhen Esky Technology Co., Ltd. - Tablet PC,Keyboard Case OR another email contact is :[email protected]
But good luck in trying to work through these contacts as I have found out that it is a little like understanding left handed braille.
now for my serious response, I gave the screen a really good clean which was better than the usual quick just get rid of the finger marks clean and it has allowed the screen to become a little more responsive, but even with this improvement it is still not good so I'm going to hook up a mouse to it and see how that goes.

Well a little more responsive is a good thing :) As I think you well know, the rest of the problem:

after all it's only a bloody zenethink

Oh and stay away from Michael unless you like perpetual headaches! :D
Yeah thank's for that, I gathered that the guy might be a problem so I've sent him a message telling him to get off my case or I'll report him to chairman Mao or Chiang ki chek or whoever runs China these days.Also I have just noticed that one of his links refers to alibaba and I have had some prior dealings with this online shopping site which I had nothing but grief from, so to be forewarned is to be forearmed, so any further corrospondence I get from Michael I'll just say return to sender or probably use a more Australian term of telling him to bugger off
He could be a former Zenithink employee that started is own business reselling Chinese tablets... I've gotten similar emails over the last two years, I just mark them as SPAM...
Yeah your probably right, he has been adressing his emails to me starting with him calling me his friend, and I have replied to him saying do not call me your friend as friendship has to be earnt and you have done nothing to earn friendship, I then went on to tell him to bugger off and DO NOT I repeat DO NOT send further emails to me, but even that probably wont stop him so I may have to use a bit stronger Aussie language to him and if it resorts to that I wont be posting it on this forum as the quotes will be a bit out of place for this thread, which is read by more civilised and literate people than this guy Michael (gee I've got a nice way of saying that I like you guys,dont you think)
(gee I've got a nice way of saying that I like you guys, dont you think)

That is pretty smooth igg. The feeling is mutual, unless you start sending us emails trying to sell those ZT180's of yours.:cool:
Actually, for 2010, and what ROMs they eventually came out with with the help of the members from SlateDroid (and only with that help), their last Éclair version and Froyo weren't that bad..... The hardware was meant for WinCE 6.0, which apparently works well on the hardware on that tablet, though I never tried WinCE.... For those that never kept up to date, I can understand their disappointment...
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That is pretty smooth igg. The feeling is mutual, unless you start sending us emails trying to sell those ZT180's of yours.:cool:
Hey Spider,dont know that this is the right forum to ask a question about an eternal hard drive issue or you may want to shift me to another link to get the query addressed ?, but it is in regard to a WD external mains powered hard drive that belongs to my daughter and she uses it to store family videos,pictures and music with the music being entirely devoted to Bon Jovi (you cant control your kids music likes or dislikes) she stores the data on this hard drive and plays it back through a media player hooked up to a flat screen tv,the problem is that following her last storing of data on this hard drive and hooking it up to the media player the the media player would not recognise the hard drive, she then rehooked it up to a computer (running windows)and the computer fails to recognise the hard drive.
I have looked up a forum that deals with WD hard drive problems and it appears that this is not an isolated problem with quite a few forum users having similar problems,however the forum is not able to give me any advice n how to have the hard drive recognised, I know through experience that should you drop these hard drives it is bye bye to all your data,and in my case it meant having to re rip over 40 blue rays, but she is adamant that her hard drive has not been dropped,so if any one can offer some advice it would be good,
igg, after going through the process of trouble shooting (may the drivers got corrupted or something like that) you might want to look into some data recovery software (probably not cheap). If you can't find any that works for you or that you want to pay for you might need to take it into a data recovery service (definitely not cheap). Unfortunately this is what happens what hard drives fail and there is no back up :(
Hi igg, I had the same thing happen to me about 6 months ago, also a WD hard drive. I think mine was caused by unplugging it from the PC without doing the "Safely Remove Hardware and Eject Media" thing before unplugging it. A couple weeks later I plugged it in and W7 X64 didn't recognize it. I shut the PC down completely and plugged it in again before turning the PC on. When the PC came up again, it was there and worked just fine. I might have just been very lucky there, but it's worth trying. Other than that, I really can't add anything to what my friend JP has already suggested.
igg, after going through the process of trouble shooting (may the drivers got corrupted or something like that) you might want to look into some data recovery software (probably not cheap). If you can't find any that works for you or that you want to pay for you might need to take it into a data recovery service (definitely not cheap). Unfortunately this is what happens what hard drives fail and there is no back up :(
The problem has been fixed, I have a mate that operates a computer workshop so I took the faulty?hard drive to him and he had one of his technicians prise open the case and he was then able to hook up the hard drive internal gear to a bit of equipment he has and lo and behold the data was able to be saved, he then cloned the data to a 2nd hand hard drive he had and the problem was solved. He told me that in a lot of cases where the computer fails to recognise the external hard drive is due to a problem in the hard drive switch board /switch gear and that the best way is to attack the probem in the way he has fixed my hard drive however if it is due to driver being corrupted you may need to look at the method you suggested of going to into some data recovery software.which can be somewhat expensive,or the data recovery service method you mentioned and as you have said that can be super expensive, he also said that if you were to return it to the manufacturer which in this case was WD all they want to do is just send you a replacement hard drive (providing your still under warranty) either way the best you can hope for is a replacement hard drive and the loss of all data. :rolleyes:
Hi igg, I had the same thing happen to me about 6 months ago, also a WD hard drive. I think mine was caused by unplugging it from the PC without doing the "Safely Remove Hardware and Eject Media" thing before unplugging it. A couple weeks later I plugged it in and W7 X64 didn't recognize it. I shut the PC down completely and plugged it in again before turning the PC on. When the PC came up again, it was there and worked just fine. I might have just been very lucky there, but it's worth trying. Other than that, I really can't add anything to what my friend JP has already suggested.
Sorry Spider,I had taken the drive to my mates workshop before I read your suggestion,so I didn't get the opportunity to test your method, but your right in one thing, that it is importnt to action the safely remove hardware feature, blooy external hard drives have created me a whole bunch of problems with one being that I drpopped a 2tb mains connected drive to whih I had ripped in excess of 40 blue ray movies (which all belonged to me,and I watch them by hooking them up to a media player connected to a 50" plasma TV,) and on another occassion I had a whole heap of technical stuff stored on another 2tb drive which my mate that runs the computer work shop wanted to clone for his own use and you wouldn't want to know it but somehow or other he lost the total amount of data, any way you havent got freinds to go crook at simply because they made a mistake,but the problem sorted itself out with him and me working back in his workshop and reloading all the data which luckily was still fresh in my mind,and what's a few hours work amongst mates?
you haven't got friends to go crook at simply because they made a mistake, but the problem sorted itself out with him and me working back in his workshop and reloading all the data which luckily was still fresh in my mind, and what's a few hours work amongst mates?

You're right there igg, everyone makes a mistake now and then. If you can't handle that, pretty soon you won't have any friends. Besides, you and your mate probably shared a few beers during the few hours work, so it wasn't a complete loss anyway.:rolleyes: Also, I'm glad to hear you were able to recover your daughter's songs for her even though you don't care for her taste in music. Hopefully, she'll remember that on Father's day.;)