Intro and Why I Traded My Nexus 7 for a Chinese Tab

Jan 3, 2013
Hello all. I am a long term android user. I have just ordered what will be my 5th android tablet. I'm hoping this one will work right.

My first tab was an Archos 5IT. This was really just a toy but gave me my first taste of android and portable ARM computing. When it broke I decided to get a cheap android tablet. I ordered an ICOO D70W. The vendor I bought from did not ship me the W version, instead sending me the outdated D70 and refused to acknowledge their mistake. So being stuck with it, I made the best of it, overclocking it a bit to improve the performance. While I had this thing my laptop broke. Since I did not use it any more I decided not to replace it. Here about 2 months ago my girlfriend stepped on my ICOO. After looking around a bit I decided on a DOUBLEPOWER m7088 from walmart. I loved this thing for the week I had before it decided to soft brick itself. I was in the process of trying to reflash it when I found out that about half the people who bought them were having problems (this tab isn't even for sale at walmart anymore). It promptly went back.
Right about this time I found a really good deal on a Asus Nexus 7. I jumped on it naturally. Now I must stress this because I feel it is important that everyone considering a Nexus understands this. Of all the tabs I have listed, the nexus 7 was the biggest disappointment. The quality control was absolutely abysmal. The digitzer didn't work on the right half of the screen, the headphone jack didn't work, the screen was lifting, the performance was very poor for its hardware. I started reading around and found a lot of people having huge issues with ASUS customer service, and a long line of shoddy built android tablets coming out of them. I decided I didn't want to deal with all that, especially at its price point.
So i currently have a PIPO S2 on order. I did a lot of reading and found PIPO seems to take care of its customers, I bought a good 3rd party warranty (a lesson I learned when I bought the ICOO). Hopefully my saga will be over, at least till the next crop of crazy powerful processors comes out
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My daughter had the Nexus 7 see has returned it and got the same tablet I have Lenovo A2109.

What was funny she couldn't wait to get the nexus 7, that's all she talked about, she got one for Christmas, I got my tablet also for Christmas. I let her use mine for a day, I used her's, she couldn't git rid of the Nexus 7 fast enough, and get the Lenovo A2109. I have also bought an extended warranty on these tablets, through squaretrade.

Anyway best of luck to you.
Hello inanitydefined, congratulations on your new on-order tablet and welcome to the forum. Glad you decided to join us here at Android Tablets. Hopefully you're luck with tablets has turned around and you've finally found one you'll be happy with. Enjoy your new tablet and the forum!
My daughter had the Nexus 7 see has returned it and got the same tablet I have Lenovo A2109.

What was funny she couldn't wait to get the nexus 7, that's all she talked about, she got one for Christmas, I got my tablet also for Christmas. I let her use mine for a day, I used her's, she couldn't git rid of the Nexus 7 fast enough, and get the Lenovo A2109. I have also bought an extended warranty on these tablets, through squaretrade.

Anyway best of luck to you.

square trade is the one i bought. since i got it on ebay the price was lower than on their website so i snagged the accident protection too. What was it that made her get rid of the nexus? I will admit that the voice integration was a really cool feature, I'll have to see what i can do to get that working on my PiPO
square trade is the one i bought. since i got it on ebay the price was lower than on their website so i snagged the accident protection too. What was it that made her get rid of the nexus? I will admit that the voice integration was a really cool feature, I'll have to see what i can do to get that working on my PiPO

She just liked the Lenovo A2109 much better, price is almost the same as Nexus 7, the Lenovo A2109 has a 9inch screen Nexus 7 has 7inch screen, Plus it has a micro sdcard slot Nexus doesn't have one, more free storage, and she like myself just like the looks and feel of the Lenovo A2109 over Nexus 7.
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