Intro post...hello all....

Mar 5, 2013
No doubt about it, I'm a true GEEK and proud of it..... as I noted in my profile I'm a graphic designer and I also started a tech support company through which I teach computer classes and tablet classes, as well as tutoring and other tech related services. I love Android devices and have accumulated over 30 different tablets and phones that I often use for work and play. I have too many laptops, tablets, and phones to count at this point from windows 7 to windows 8 touch screens to Android and even iPads (even though I hate iPads). Basically I just love technology and toys. Always looking to learn more tech skills and further my knowledge and experience, so I constantly hit the forums. My favorite devices I own right now are my galaxy s3, nexus 4, nexus 7, nexus 10, galaxy note 2 and 10.1, and my 2 limited edition white nexus 7 and galaxy nexus white international model....oh and also my google i/o edition galaxy tab 10.1, can't wait for google i/o 2013 to see what they offer.... is where I'm at these days, I have successfully rooted, unlocked, flashed, modded, or hacked over 260 Android devices (and a fair amount of jailbreaking iPads/iPhones as well but I dont consider those a part of my experience because as I stated before I don't really like the iPad), and have only bricked one device ever and it was when I first started playing around with my own tablets so I'm hovering around 99% success rate. I actually knew almost the exact number of devices I have worked on until about 1 month ago when things got crazy busy and I lost track. Most of the devices I have hacked were tablets, so I feel relatively confident in my set of skills for now. But I also know that when it comes to Android, developing and modding/hacking are two totally different things. So I respect people that actually have the knowledge and skills that go with coding and programming so please dont mistake my attitude for me thinking I know it all because I definitely don't. There is always more to learn and as I continue to step up my development abilities and learn more, I hope that soon I can create a ROM or two and actually finish some of the apps I've already started.

Basically, I'm here to help as well as learn so if I can pass on my experience when someone needs it then I will help in any way I can, but I also welcome any help from other people that know more about these things than I do. Thanks for reading my long intro and feel free to message me if you think I can help in any way. I will put some of my website links below (of course I'm not sure if that's allowed so if they get taken down I understand and sorry). Sorry if a lot of my sites aren't done yet, but I spend most of my time working on other people's websites and never really have time to do a lot to mine.

Thanks again for reading,
Hello Caspar, congratulations on your many tablets and welcome to the forum. Nice of you to become a member of Android Tablets. That's a very nice intro and I'm sure you'll fit in here nicely for both your stated reasons. I'm pretty sure your help to other members would be appreciated and our Developers would be helpful to you when you get into the ROMs and apps you're planning. I'll be contacting you privately when I have a little more time to discuss the reasons for taking down your links. Meanwhile, you may wish to check out the Forum Rules and Guidelines of Conduct for yourself. Enjoy the forum!
Hi Caspar, welcome aboard. Great to have you at Android Tablets as you certainly have enough of them. ;)