iPrint from Epson for CMP738b


Dec 14, 2011
I have a Craig CMP738b. I cannot use the Android Market, and I don't want to root my tablet. But I VERY MUCH want to install a free application from Epson called iPrint on my tablet. This application is ONLY available on Android Market. I contacted both Epson and Android Market, but they cannot help me. My question: Is there ANY way (short of rooting my tablet) that I can get a copy of iPrint? Thanks for the help.
Here you can download from here with your desktop/laptop then put it on to a SD mini card then install it from your SD mini card onto your CMP738B.. If you need help installing any APK files please post what you need help on and someone can reply back to you. We're all here to help each other out. :)

Click Here ( NOTE - I have not tested this file with my CMP738B )

Thanks much for the help, but I was still unable to get the app. I went to the website and tried to download it from my desktop. They told me that I needed to login and they gave me a choice of a google account or a facebook account. Since I don't have a facebook account, I gave it my google account. Then I recieved a message saying that android market wanted to access my google acount, and would I permit this. I said "yes", but never received anything else. I tried again, but I still couldn't get it. Is there any chance that you could download the app and email it to me? I would really appreciate it. My email is erhewitt@msn.com. Again, thanks much for te help.
Quick follow up. When I went to my gmail account, I found an email message about the download. The message said that I could only download this file to an Android device with a pre-installed Android Market app on it. Since I was on my desktop, this link wouldn't work. And from my tablet, the link also failed since I don't have a pre-installed Android Market app. It looks like the only way I can get this app is from someone who can download it from Android Market. So I need to find someone who can download the app and then send it to me. Thanks again for the help.