IRULU ExPro X1C 7" Android 4.2 Tablet


Junior Member
May 12, 2015
Hi all!
Sorry for my bad english.
I have a "Irulu ExPro x1c 7" android 4.2 tablet". Info here: http://de.**************/item/IRULU...Core-Dual-Camera-External-3G/32279450296.html
I rooted the tablet with KingoRoot succesfull, but i deleted something, and laptop can't booting.
Recovery not working. (Power + volume up keys).
I want tab stock reinstalling, but on the Irulu website ( can not be found my tablet serial nummer.
The support can not found driver for my tablet: In the last email wrote: "please contact Then my workmate, who is in charge of aliexpress order, will take care of it. Please email them the problem in details and order information"
I wrote one email, but i have not received answer....
I seeking proper image file or other original rom copy for my tablet.
Thank you.