Issues with New A Series

You do not need to root with firmware if overclocking is your goal, as the new Power Management function lets you do that. But of course, you may have some other need for rooting.
If device is less than 7 days old, you can return it for a refund if you wish. Or Archos will exchange it for a new device during the first 30 days - which is what I am doing next week - as I love the device - especially after doing a Full Reinitialization
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How do i PERFORM a true full reset on the tablet? I'm having all the issues meantioned on this post... If i do a full reset does the tablet go back to firmware 2.1 instead of 2.2.1 (froyo) ?
repair and formatting >> Full Reinitialization and if your device is currently at 2.1.1 then the reinitialization will preserve that OS version
Thanks, i think resetting the device and red doing the market tweak fixed my issue seems to be running smooth, i might of screwed something up. It's only been 15 mins so too early to tell but i feel as its running smooth without locking up so far we will see i hope its true then i can enjoy the device :)
I don't know if it is the Android system or what. But when i suspend (standby/hibernate?) my windows mobile 6.1 pocketpc, the battery doesn't drain fast and can last for days.

In the case of Androids, when using a device with 3400 mah, the battery can last 5 hours or more even with wifi and that is very good compared to how windows mobile handles wifi usage. In windows mobile 6.1, when I turn on wifi, battery drains out faster than the ANdroid system.

But when I put Android in suspend mode (standby/screen off/ hibernate/ whatever?), the battery drains out very fast - sometimes in less than a day.

This shows that the Android system has focused on Internet connections and can perform better than windows mobile 6.1 but the weak side of Android is that it is not good at standbys. It is better to full shutdown. Then the problem is if we have to make full shutdown, we can enjoy "instant on" features because to boot the device it will take at least 60 seconds or slightly more. And then when you boot the device, some battery power is wasted just for the boot up process.

Please share your experiences. Thanks!

Another possibility of battery drain is perhaps caused by the type of battery being used. even in 3400 mah, there are such thing as grade A, B or C so I heard.