Just joined


Mar 5, 2011
Hi everybody, just bought a Superpad 10.2" Tablet PC, Google Android 2.1, Webcam, GPS, HDMI, USB, WIFI, 2 micro SD card slots. Paid 201:00 dollars PLEXSUPPLY thru amazon.com Should arrive next week, kind of freaked out with the whole android deal but I'll learn. I'm concerned about being able to update from 2.1 to the honeycomb os. I'm sure you'll see me here alot cause I'll be tweaking this thing till I'm totally happy. Charlie Sheen helped me pick a user name (WINNING) ha ha
Tigerblood, Think I heard more than 3 stories of Sheen in the news today, first on NPR this morning! He is milkin' the spotlight alright.
I am a new Superpad owner (same as you ordered) and have been working with it for 2 weeks. I want to be able to update as well, but am a bit leery of actually doing it correctly. I'll hope for some help and stay on board.
Having a few issues with using a micro SD card reader successfully and using Office Suite. (got the 30 day trial yesterday)
But, just trying to read a lot, especially from other EPad users... Hope to hear from you when you receive your new machine.
