Isn't it easier to have all theme related app/widgets questions in here so there aren't a million threads asking what widget/clock/weather app your using? At least people can make specific requests on the screenshots they see in here instead of a new thread linking back to this one.

I think it is ok to ask what you are seeing and complement people on their shots but asking for advice on setting up widgets and themes doesn't really belong in this particualr thread. The intent is just to show what you have done to your nook and let the pictures speak for themselves :)

@ JP-Thank you
@ Chris- If you see something you like in a screenshot, of course you can ask about it right here, if you check the whole thread I never said otherwise to anybody with the exeption of Goldenberry because he was asking something general not pertinent to a specific screenshot but ehi.....it's not my forum,you do wathever your common sense tell you to do. I personally ,beiing a very visual person ,I enjoy coming on this thread and looking at all the great screenshots and thank you Chris for your contribution!
Ok here are some CM7 screen shots had a heck of a time getting 7.02 installed. Hope this background is ok 8)

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  • $uploadfromtaptalk1304427966277.jpg
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Thank you Shortyred,you are doing a great jobin embellishing my thread!
Awesome wallpaper Shortyred. My gf will not like me asking this lol, but where did you get it?
Thank you. I found it on Google already though.

*edit: I made a modified version that I am currently using on my fascinate if anyone wants it. I modified it with picsay pro. I haven't tried it on nook yet so I am not sure of resolution.

Sent from my fascinate
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