I'm with Jonesygirl. We already have awesome tablets! A cool case or other accessory would be a fun prize. The figurines are cute though! :)

They are cute but not interesting enough to make everybody post their screenshot on the forum, I'm not even talking about us who post even without a prize, I'm talking about people who grab the informations they need from the forum and never even register. In order to make them partecipate you have to have an alluring prize.
Jonesgirl loves her nook and so do I but most of the members here are craaaaasszy about tablets, they want to have them all and few of them do have them all. I personally would give a good try if the prize was a 7'' with a camera and a sim card.

Sent from my NookColor using Android Tablet Forum
They are cute but not interesting enough to make everybody post their screenshot on the forum, I'm not even talking about us who post even without a prize, I'm talking about people who grab the informations they need from the forum and never even register. In order to make them partecipate you have to have an alluring prize.
Jonesgirl loves her nook and so do I but most of the members here are craaaaasszy about tablets, they want to have them all and few of them do have them all. I personally would give a good try if the prize was a 7'' with a camera and a sim card.

Sent from my NookColor using Android Tablet Forum

Well prizes like that cost money, which may not be easy for the site owners to come by, or have to be donated by a sponsor or advertiser, which again, may not be something they are able to do at this time. I think it's a fun contest and will get people's creative juices flowing. You really can't "make" anyone participate here. Like most things, they take what they need and leave the rest. All we can do is be friendly and welcoming. :)
As I said before, I don't need a prize top post my screenshots and here is my last. I did a sort of a collage of painting and pictures I like using the ADW launcher.. it was fun.
I don't seem to be able to upload my new screenshot for some reason.... I'll try later
Sent from my NookColor using Android Tablet Forum
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Latest version.
Here I try again

Sent from my NookColor using Android Tablet Forum


  • $uploadfromtaptalk1319569700972.jpg
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Just one..

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  • $uploadfromtaptalk1319577990870.jpg
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Moshe, I think you've got a short circuit there, but I like the effect.:)
I gotta take your word on that one. I am probably one of the few people out there that hasn't seen any of those movies. :cool:

Even if you're not into the books or the genre, the movies are worth checking out just for their cinematography and the beautiful New Zealand, uh I mean Middle Earth scenery.
I think this would make great wallpaper for a Lord of the Rings fan!

Even if you're not into the books or the genre,
the movies are worth checking out just for their cinematography and the beautiful New Zealand, uh I mean Middle Earth scenery.
There are sooooo many great movies out there that even if one gets to live to be 100 won't be able to see them all and this means that I personally hate to waste my time with kids movies or stuff like that. So Chris, you are not alone, I didn't see those movies either.

I guess we can never go the movies together......... Well if chance arises, we'll think of something to do!
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