With more Winter to go, she's not the only one considering going to Miami.;)
I'm glad you are ok guys .....I guess you stayed inside during the snowstorm!
That's funny, but Tiki loves it up here. She almost got stuck in a snowbank today, because there was something in the woods. She got in but had a hard time getting out. :) We will be in Tampa in a couple weeks. western Caribbean cruise, so someone will have to take over FAOTD duties. So much for job security.
Two beers are always better then one. :) And three beers better then two. After that it gets a little foggy.
Beers. Spider keeps wanting to get my bears drunk, but they are still sleeping it off from the last time.:cool:
Beers. Spider keeps wanting to get my bears drunk, but they are still sleeping it off from the last time.:cool:

Well, they enjoy it and it's not as if they have to sober up and go to work in the morning.:rolleyes: Otherwise, they have very little to do beside watching Tiki getting stuck in the snow and you coming to tow her out.:cool:
I think the bears are somewhere under the snow. Maybe Tiki was trying to dig them out. :rolleyes:
Behold :)

Well, you won't be able to use, "My tablet's broken." as an excuse for not coming to work/play here on the forum.:p Nice little collection.:eek: