Kinpad i600 finally in my hands


Sep 28, 2010

I got this in the other day and have played with it a bit in what little spare time I have. The build quality is pretty good. It feels very solid. One thing I had a problem with was the usb cable. The covers for the 30 pin connector and USB connector came apart, a little glue got it back together easy. I did get a Euro charger, but luckily I had an adapter handy. Unfortunatly you cannot charge with USB cable connected to computer. I also tried to use a USB charger from my phone but not enough juice, so I'm gonna stick with what came with it.
It booted up pretty quick. The touch screen was very sensitive (Capacitive... Yes). I rooted it with Z4root right away and it worked no problems. Market is pre-installed so I started loading apps over Wifi. I did slide in a voice only AT&T sim and was able to make calls. I'm going to tray and get a pre-paid sim for now and test 3g. The GPS was taking a bit long to lock on a satellite so I didn't wait for it because I was on my way to work. Speakers are pretty loud. I noticed that I will hear a static noise from the speakers ocasionally when clicking items on the touch screen. It was only noticable when I was in a really quiet place. I grabbed a case from BestBuy for Nook/Kindle and it fit great.

It has a built in task manager that is activated by one of the hardware buttons, I find that to be nice. I added Gmail and Skype accounts but cannot and Facebook. I can log into Facebook via app with no problems but not via the sync accounts setting. One thing I was confused about was it said I only have about 182MB memory left and about 7 GB of internal storage. I would think if it came with 512MB I would have a lot more left over not being used bythe system. I did a Bluetooth file transfer from my Sprint Hero and worked first time. It will take a couple days before can dedicate some time to really play with it.
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I've had the Kinpad for about a week. It's my first tablet so I really don't know what to expect but so far it been a positive experience. It's heavier than I thought. Not so sure about the raised buttons.

I had the same issues with the power adapter. They sent EU and mine should have been for North America. I had a bit of a fright because I tried plugging a iphone usb power adapter that had the same spec's and it wouldn't charge. I tried other device adapters and had the same problem. Then it occurred to me that since the Kinpad won't charge by computer that maybe these adapters where the "smart" variety and the tablet thought it was hooked up to a computer. I bought a $3.00 plug adapter and everything was great. The adapter is rather cheap so I'll be on a lookout for a new heavy duty adapter.

I have to admit that I have three concerns and they all have to do with the uniqueness of the kinpad. I think that it will be tough to find accessories for the device. I still have the plastic screen protector on until I find a real screen protector. The problem being that it has raised buttons. I'm also trying to find a protective shell for it. The dimensions are close to a Galaxy Tab but not quite. My final concern has to do with updating to Android 3. Unless a major label takes the kinpad and re-brands it (there is no branding on the tablet I have so I can see this happening) I can't see this small manufacturer putting in the effort.

I look forward to read other owners comments.

Mr. D
I used a book style cover for the nook/kindle and it fit the Kinpad well. The Nook is only 1/4 inch tall then Kinpad. I agree about the support issue, I don't expect to see anything from manufacturer.

Sent from my HERO200 using Tapatalk

Were you able to add a Facebook account?

Sent from my HERO200 using Tapatalk
Nice that you were able to make calls.

I am very curious to know if the IMEI is legal at all?

Looking forward to an extended review

Were you able to add a Facebook account?

Sent from my HERO200 using Tapatalk

I have to admit that I must be the only person on this planet that doesn't have a Facebook account so I can't help you.

Still enjoying the tablet? I think we must be the few people that have a Kinpad. Most tablet sites say "coming soon"

I currently on the lookout for screen protectors and rubber/silicon protective skin so I can actual take the tablet out of the house. I still have my protective plastic on the screen :0) . I'm also trying to figure out how to over-clock using setcpu but the kernel doesn't have overclocking enabled. i bought the tablet to learn and learn i will.

Xaueious how can I tell if the IMEI is legal?
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International Mobile Equipment Identity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dial up your IMEI and see if it shows up on Google.

PM Toby and ask for his.

This typically one of the reasons of why buying Shanzhai cellphones is a terrible idea 9/10 times. I haven't actually looked it up myself and only really had hands-on with one Shanzhai cellphone, which worked for about 2 months and broke. If it works, it might not be that big of an issue for you. But there are many reasons why having a fake IMEI would be bad.