Kyros 7024 - WHAT manual?


Aug 26, 2011
I'm a tablet newb, just received my 7024 from Amazon, c&p'ed this from my Intro post:

My current frustration is: the MANUAL for this thing! You get a Quick Start Guide in the box, which then tells you to download the PDF of the manual from the cobyusa site - and there is indeed a link on the appropriate page, for BOTH the QSG and the Manual - but both are the same thing, the QSG! There is no manual.
Even though the QSG refers you to the manual, there is none to be found. I called the support number, and they just waffled - sent me an email with a link to the same QSG that has a slightly different filename so it looks like its going to be the manual, but no! its the QSG again! If there are TWO links, there are supposed to be TWO documents...anybody else notice this? Page 34, which is supposed to tell you about the System Options, tells you how to get there and then refers you The Manual...therefore, QED, the QSG is NOT the the Manual! Does the Manual actually exist, and is there a way to get it?
And furthermore...I know I'm getting old, but I had to get out the Magnifier Goggles just to read this thing! Faint, low-contrast grey ink in 4-point type? Aaargh!
Pangur_Ban - I have a MID8024 but I believe that they are the same except for size.

Use the "Settings" button on the main page to adjust things like brightness. Double tapping Zooms inside apps like the browser. BTW down load and install Dolphin HD when you can. It is a great browser, has tabs, double tap to Zoom and you can rotate the tablet so the sensitive buttons are on the top of the tablet out of the way. It is also easy to add and manage bookmarks. The Kindle app (and maybe some others) lets you adjust the font point size...but I agree I must have my reading glasses on also.

nicksred - Thanks for that manual link.
Nicksred - thanks for the reply, but...if you look at the first page of that PDF, you'll see that it actually is the Quick Start Guide, the Guia de Inicio Rapido, etc. NOT the alleged Manual. On their site, where that link is, you'll see separate links for the Manual and for the QSG, for the 8024, 7024 & 1024...but all 6 links (3 for the manual, 3 for the QSG) go the SAME file, the one in your post. If all there is, is the QSG, why are there separate link categories on the page? Sigh. I called the support 800 number again, and pointed out the logic: references to BOTH a Manual AND a QSG on the web site, and references IN the Quick Start Guide TO the Manual (meaning, look in the Manual for this information). They acknowledged these, and still said: there really is only the one document. Does not bode well for getting good support.
Ray50 - thanks for your post; so far I have the Opera Mini browser installed, that works pretty well too; I was hoping for the 6.1 version but all AppsLib has is 5. In fact, AppsLib is rather deficient when it comes to diversity of apps - I could get TuneIn radio free, but not the (for-pay) PRO...and after all I went through to get AppsLib hooked up to my PayPal account (I had to install Opera on my PC to access it, evidently they hate Firefox over there, and you best believe I don't use IE for ANYTHING)!
This is my first android device, and I am not overly impressed with the hope is that the Puppy Linux community comes up with Puppy Mobile some day soon, and all the proprietary, locked systems go gurgling down the flusher...