

Oct 3, 2011
I have a mid7125 should I get launcher pro or something else? What are the advantage of haveing a new launcher?

Can I install Go launcher on my mid7125?

I use launcher pro becuase I can lock home screen + custom bottom bar. Adw is good too never liked ex or whatever it is
You can install any Launcher, the main advantages for me is customization and the possibility to add more icons to workspace (more rows/columns). Stock launcher in Froyo/Gingerbread is locked to 4x4 because it was meant for phones, and it's a pity specially in bigger tablets. I personally use Nemus due its low memory footprint and speed.
You can install any Launcher, the main advantages for me is customization and the possibility to add more icons to workspace (more rows/columns). Stock launcher in Froyo/Gingerbread is locked to 4x4 because it was meant for phones, and it's a pity specially in bigger tablets. I personally use Nemus due its low memory footprint and speed.

will try this launcher thanks for suggestion