This isn't funny


Oct 3, 2011
I know that Ihave deleted 2.3 GBs of stuff off of my mid7125. But it's still telling me that device is low on space what is going on?

I deleted it from my device it's telling me that my internal storage has only 23.MB free
Which app are you using for looking at memory usage, and which one for file viewing? And did you reboot your device completely after deleting the files?
Probably an issue with the internal microSD. This message about low internal space isn't about the data partition that are accessed by users normally (/sdcard" but about the data or the cache partitions. It usually happens if you have too many apps installed or due to a bad internal microSD or a problem during flashing the ROM. I've read x125 series has a problem with the recovery mode, but you should be able to do an internal reset, look for threads about 8125 and recovery mode, they should have the info you need to do a recovery.
Last night I tried to do a usb debugging would that have something to do with it?

Just a debugging section, no. If you messed with adb commands without knowing what you were doing, then you could have done something that corrupted the file system and/or installation, specially if you have root enabled ("#" prompt).
Alright guys I need to know how to fix this I can not use my tablet to access to internet anymore because it just goes so slow. I was useing it early today and it had 23MB free after ten minutes of looking around for some answers there was only 10MBs free I have the same amount of apps on it as there was three weeks ago. I cleared the browser catch and uninstalled two apps and only cleared 24MBs. What can I do what is there to be done?

Backup your data to an external microSD then use Factory Reset in Settings -> Privacy. If you still have the same issue, you may need to restore the firmware, but I don't think there is on for 7125, then you will have to contact manufacturer as your device may be defective.
This could be caused by your cache being full. If you have a custom recovery you can go into it and delete your cache and delvik cache. There are some apps that will do this for you. I use cache cleaner ng.

Sent from my MID7022 using Tapatalk
So I messed up something Because I did a factory rest. Seems to have worked it's back up and running. Now to reinstall everything I have a lot of work ahead of me.

Thanks for the help everybody