Lenovo A2109 init.d discussion thread

Here's what's included

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Here's what's included

Sent from my IdeaTabA2109A using Tapatalk HD

Wow I haven't seen root explorer in so long I forgot all about it. Have you tried solid explorer? Its not free anymore but its pretty cheap and IMO its the best file explorer . With the dual panels and the option to open your dropbox, box, skydrive, google drive and sugar sync accounts and drag and drop files across panels right into them its just awesome on the tablet. FX Explorer is pretty cool on this tablet also with a lot of cool features of it's own and its free on the play store.

Anyway back on topic. Have you noticed any difference after flashing this? I'm not going to have time to make a backup to try it till later. I don't really care about benchmarks, they don't mean much to me. If it improves the ROM then thats all that really counts.

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Used root explorer for awhile, just used to it. As for the init.d scripts, marginal improvements IMO, doesn't do any harm:D:D

Sent from my IdeaTabA2109A using Tapatalk HD
Used root explorer for awhile, just used to it. As for the init.d scripts, marginal improvements IMO, doesn't do any harm:D:D

Sent from my IdeaTabA2109A using Tapatalk HD

Yeah I used it for about 2 years but it just lacks some features compared to other file explorers.

Yeah just looking at those scrips they don't look like anything major and I've seen them in older devices so they would probably help out a lot more if this tablet wasn't already so fast but any amount of boost in performance is a good thing.

Have you taken a look at V6 Supercharger? I've used it on all my androids in the past and it was always a big improvement in performance. The only reason I haven't tried it on here yet is cause since I redid my computer I can't get the patch tool to run and I've been to lazy to redo the whole computer again. If you take a look at it and decide to try it let me know. It would be great if you do and you could send me the patched services.jar so that I could test it out. There are so many options just patching the services.jar and then even more when you run the script that. Let me know if you do decide to try it or if you do you should probably start a thread for it so that everyone could give it a try without having to patch the. jar them selves.
Yeah I used it for about 2 years but it just lacks some features compared to other file explorers.

Yeah just looking at those scrips they don't look like anything major and I've seen them in older devices so they would probably help out a lot more if this tablet wasn't already so fast but any amount of boost in performance is a good thing.

Have you taken a look at V6 Supercharger? I've used it on all my androids in the past and it was always a big improvement in performance. The only reason I haven't tried it on here yet is cause since I redid my computer I can't get the patch tool to run and I've been to lazy to redo the whole computer again. If you take a look at it and decide to try it let me know. It would be great if you do and you could send me the patched services.jar so that I could test it out. There are so many options just patching the services.jar and then even more when you run the script that. Let me know if you do decide to try it or if you do you should probably start a thread for it so that everyone could give it a try without having to patch the. jar them selves.

Any chance that you can get the script file for us? :D
You can get it from the V6 Supercharger thread on XDA.
xda-developers - View Single Post - [U9RC12T6]Put a V6 SuperCharger +DIE-HARD Launcher in Your Pocket=She'll B Happy 2CU!
You'll need to read the thread to know what it does and how to use it. It's easier then it looks on that page. The hardest part is patching the services.jar.

It is still kind of complicated for me @_@ I will take a look on it when i have more time :D Or maybe i will just wait for you to figure out :p:p:p
It is still kind of complicated for me @_@ I will take a look on it when i have more time :D Or maybe i will just wait for you to figure out :p:p:p

Its not really hard. If you can get the ultimate jar patching tool to run you just follow the on screen options and pick what you want. After that when you run the script with script manager on your device you'll see how self explanatory it really is. Its mostly just options 1-31 or 1-33 what ever its up to now, so you just choose what you want. I might try to get it to work today if I get some time.
OK just did a clean install of my ROM without init.d scripts got antutu reading of 11920, installed init.d scripts that I gave links to and antutu score increased 10% to 12980, so they do make a difference

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OK just did a clean install of my ROM without init.d scripts got antutu reading of 11920, installed init.d scripts that I gave links to and antutu score increased 10% to 12980, so they do make a difference

Sent from my IdeaTabA2109A using Tapatalk HD

Hmm interesting! Is it included on your newest ROM?? :D
Ohh i see, the script is call WonderTweakV5. I thought you were talking about other scripts :p Thanks

That's the init.d tweaks, some play store apps are not zipaligned , one of the tweaks will zipalign those apps during boot, the benefit of zipaligning apks is ra use age, afraik

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