Linux Users, Coby 8042, Root, Recovery, Update, All Without Livesuite

Thanks tpaine. I was tinkering while waiting on a reply and decided to replace the vendor directory in the 8042-UPDATE.ZIP with the one in the tar file I dumped. rebooted and holy friggin moly it worked. I really appreciate u taking time to answer my questions.
Thanks tpaine. I was tinkering while waiting on a reply and decided to replace the vendor directory in the 8042-UPDATE.ZIP with the one in the tar file I dumped. rebooted and holy friggin moly it worked. I really appreciate u taking time to answer my questions.

This is the easiest method, all 7042 and 8042 are the same, Coby likes to change ts drivers though. My guess the screens are different.
Replacing the entire vendor folder will fix this problem every ts driver and firmware for every coby allwinner tablet is located there.
This is the easiest method, all 7042 and 8042 are the same, Coby likes to change ts drivers though. My guess the screens are different.
Replacing the entire vendor folder will fix this problem every ts driver and firmware for every coby allwinner tablet is located there.

I am glad I didnt do something super stupid then. Because I got a new problem. I f I slide the brightness bar down just a little the screen goes completely black. Fortunately I havnt got stuck in this state. Only problem is this is going to be an accident waiting to happen. Any suggestions or fixes for something like this.

I did a some searching and didnt find a whole lot other than some apps to get the adjustments in between bright and black, but no real solutions for "oh crap i made the screen black and cant see to un black it".

I would honestly be happy if I could lock the brightness so the slider doesnt work or remove the slider altogether. Im fine with bright all the time.
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I never adjust brightness, it should be set at default settings. Were you able to adjust brightness on stock?
I never adjust brightness, it should be set at default settings. Were you able to adjust brightness on stock?

Well ya know I dont remember trying. The brightness adjustment works some but when you dim it close to half way down it goes black. So I been practicing adjusting the brightness blindly, so that if my son or wife inadvertently dim it black I can get it back.... Its just kind of a pain.
I've got a coby 7033 that I managed to bootloop via installing Google Apps store (i forgot to set permissions). Is there any way to recover it, I've tried ADB inside and out, but because the device doesn't keep USB debugging turned on when rebooted, I can't connect.
I've got a coby 7033 that I managed to bootloop via installing Google Apps store (i forgot to set permissions). Is there any way to recover it, I've tried ADB inside and out, but because the device doesn't keep USB debugging turned on when rebooted, I can't connect.

This thread is for 8042, nothing in this thread will work on your device.
hi I have a new coby 8042..I decided to root this even if it still 2 days old..coz i cant download from get jar..i dont know why..I used windows sdk..when i type command "adb devices" my device is not detected. .i tried to install the android 4.0.3 the SDK Manager..still it wont detect the device. $and.jpg
If I'm not mistaken, the drivers for ADB are not automatically installed when the SDK is. So, you need to connect your tablet to your PC, then open up Device Manager. If you see something like "Android 1.0" then the drivers aren't installed.
yes the drivers are not installed..I see "android" in device manager its question mark..what's the next option for me? thanks mods
Hi I have a 9042 tablet and I've read through the whole forum so that I don't make any mistakes but the problem is that I tried the very first command and all I got was
error: insufficient permissions for device
I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 and I have adb set up and everything any ideas?
Now this time as ROOT

killall adb

adb push data /data/local/tmp/