Linux Users, Coby 8042, Root, Recovery, Update, All Without Livesuite

so heres the link.

So from stock I followed every step up to the after that it still booted... then when i got to the part... it wont boot anymore.. I get stuck on the ANDROID screen...

**took out the link.. forgot to reset... ugghhh.. i dont know if theres anything private in there.. xD
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I see nothing in your dump that's preventing it from booting. most likely in this case it's your data.

Ok go into recovery do a factory reset, or from adb

adb shell

rm -r /data/*

rm -r /cache/*

then reboot
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I see nothing in your dump that's preventing it from booting. most likely in this case it's your data.

Ok go into recovery do a factory reset, or from adb

adb shell

rm -r /data/*

rm -r /cache/*

then reboot

i tried twice.. still getting stuck on that screen... arggh!
I used your method of making a system dump and used it to make a custom rom, it's the safest! How can I make a dump of the bootloader? In your method of restoring you said to put back the bootloader.img too! Is that:

cat /dev/block/nanda > /sdcard/dump/bootloader.img

? Tried to figure it out myself first by opening the standard ... just to be sure.

And I know you don't like to talk about windows, but it's all the same commands in adb! I was almost scared away with the Linux comment...
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I used your method of making a system dump and used it to make a custom rom, it's the safest! How can I make a dump of the bootloader? In your method of restoring you said to put back the bootloader.img too! Is that:

cat /dev/block/nanda > /sdcard/dump/bootloader.img

? Tried to figure it out myself first by opening the standard ... just to be sure.

And I know you don't like to talk about windows, but it's all the same commands in adb! I was almost scared away with the Linux comment...

to make a backup of bootloader.img

cat /dev/block/nanda > /sdcard/dump/bootloader.img

to restore

cat /sdcard/dump/bootloader.img > /dev/block/nanda

Yes the adb commands are almost the same, Linux doesn't require any drivers to installed to use adb, windows seems to require a different version of adb drivers per version of windows.
I also am new at this. I have ADB up and running. I copied the two files (root recovery and data) to the desktop of my windows vista laptop. But, when i type chmod 0777 /data/local/tmp/mempodroid. it says no such file or directory. what am I doing wrong?
You copied it to your desktop. Copy it to the root of your drive instead (e.g. C:\adb), and do not use spaces in your directories.

If you're having an issue with the commands, you may want to try the root utility I put together for Windows users, which is located in the sticky posts at the top of the Generation 3 Development forum.
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OK, I put the two files (Data and Root Recovery) in a folder on the c drive called adb. How do i modify your commands listed below to find my folder? Thanks for your patience.

adb push data /data/local/tmp/

adb shell

chmod 0777 /data/local/tmp/mempodroid

chmod 0777 /data/local/tmp/

/data/local/tmp/mempodroid 0xd7cc 0xad27 sh /data/local/tmp/
hagsmich said:
OK, I put the two files (Data and Root Recovery) in a folder on the c drive called adb. How do i modify your commands listed below to find my folder? Thanks for your patience.

adb push data /data/local/tmp/

adb shell

chmod 0777 /data/local/tmp/mempodroid

chmod 0777 /data/local/tmp/

/data/local/tmp/mempodroid 0xd7cc 0xad27 sh /data/local/tmp/
adb push c:\adb\data /data/local/tmp/
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$Root attempt2.jpg
Here is a .jpg of my cmd lines. I get two errors, cannot create /dev/block/nandg: Permission denied and reboot operation not permitted.


  • $Root attempt.JPG
    $Root attempt.JPG
    174.3 KB · Views: 567