Linux Users, Coby 8042, Root, Recovery, Update, All Without Livesuite

I tried the manual instructions which are listed below. I downloaded and tried to install When I tried to do the install in recovery it stopped and says finding update package, opening update package, installing update, installation aborted.

I did extract to c:\adb and I put them on the sd card in the tablet. OK, what's next.

extract to desktop

copy the gapps directory to /sdcard

then use adb to push busybox and install-gapps to /data/local/tmp

adb push busybox /data/local/tmp/busybox

adb push install-gapps /data/local/tmp/install-gapps

adb shell


chmod 777 /data/local/tmp/install-gapps


once script finishes

I just updated script to post checksum of Phonesky.apk so you can see if script work for you.

output of script should be like this
The tablet is not working correctly. It had difficulty connecting to wifi and and won''t connect to any web pages. ADB sees the device but not the sd card.
The tablet is not working correctly. It had difficulty connecting to wifi and and won''t connect to any web pages. ADB sees the device but not the sd card.

looks like you are simply not following directions, read them again.
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$ADB picture.JPG

OK, here is a picture of my adb screen. I downloaded the zip file, copied it to my data file in C:\adb and pushed the data file to the tablet. Then I tried to install from the instruction with no luck.
View attachment 9039

OK, here is a picture of my adb screen. I downloaded the zip file, copied it to my data file in C:\adb and pushed the data file to the tablet. Then I tried to install from the instruction with no luck.

I have no ideal what you are doing. why are you doing any of that? just follow my instructions and stop adding your own.
I tried following your instructions. I downloaded the zip file. I extracted it to my desktop. I copied the gapps directory file and put it on the SD Card in the tablet. I then followed your instructions. You said copy the files to the desktop. I tried that, remember i'm using windows, so I copied them to the c:\ drive. There were three files, busybox, intall-gapps and a folder called gapps full of apk files which I'm assuming is the directory file that needs to be on the sd card. Then I pushed the Busybox and install-gapps file and this is what I got. Are the files supposed to be on the internal sd card or the external sd card?

$ADB Capture3.JPG
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I tried following your instructions. I downloaded the zip file. I extracted it to my desktop. I copied the gapps directory file and put it on the SD Card in the tablet. I then followed your instructions. You said copy the files to the desktop. I tried that, remember i'm using windows, so I copied them to the c:\ drive. Then I pushed the Busybox and install-gapps file and this is what I got.

View attachment 9044

Ok looking better now simply place the gapss folder on your /sdcard not your micro sdcard. sdcard is your internal storage, you keep using your removable micro sdcard, why I don't know.

This is manual method, remove your micro sdcard from the tablet and dont use it during manual method. You should be able to mount your tablet from your computer and copy the gapps folder to your sdcard.
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OK, here's the problem. When I plug my tablet into my laptop I get two new drives (F and G) but when I click on them to see what's in them it says please insert a disk into removable disk F or G. So, my laptop sees the two SD cards but can't access them. I finally figured out if you hit usb storage on startup, you can see the external SD Card. But I still can't access the internal SD card. If I could resolve this issue that would help. Also after the ROM repair, I do not have an ICON on the desktop labeled gallery after we did the ROM update.

I just got off the phone with coby and they had me change a setting in the home directory, so now I see every drive on the tablet.

The internal SD card says empty, unmounted or not present. I tried pasting the gapps directory to it and it says can't move folder. It seems that I can't do anything in the internal sd card. I tried creating a folder, pasting the gapps folder, nothing works on the internal SD Card.
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OK, here's the problem. When I plug my tablet into my laptop I get two new drives (F and G) but when I click on them to see what's in them it says please insert a disk into removable disk F or G. So, my laptop sees the two SD cards but can't access them. If I could resolve this issue that would help. Also after the ROM repair, I do not have an ICON on the desktop labeled gallery.

It's really Odd because when I use recovery it sees the SD external SD Card.

I hate windows

Yes recovery sees the micro sdcard as sdcard, The OS mount its as /mnt/extsd instead of /sdcard/

ok let swap your internal storage with micro sdcard,

ok insert your micro sdcard

download this


adb push vold.fstab /data/local/tmp/vold.fstab

adb push dc /data/local/tmp/dc

adb shell


chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/dc


now when your tablet reboot your micro sdcard will be sdcard.
OK, I did that and it worked. Now the external SD is being seen like the internal card. But when I followed the instructions I got this:$adb Capture4.JPG
OK, I did that and it worked. Now the external SD is being seen like the internal card. But when I followed the instructions I got this:View attachment 9046

ok it shows you have platystore installed.

you need to remove some stuff from /system/app

I have never seen anyone have this much trouble with a tablet.
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adb shell rm -r /system/app/*

adb push app /system/app/

adb shell


busybox mount -o remount,rw /system

chmod 644 /system/app/*

$Capture6.JPGOk, I didn't get to far I extracted the file to my C:\ drive. Then got this when I tried to run it.


  • $Capture5.JPG
    23.5 KB · Views: 344
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View attachment 9048Ok, I didn't get to far I extracted the file to my C:\ drive. Then got this when I tried to run it.

my bad you need run mount command first

adb shell


busybox mount -o remount,rw /system



adb shell rm -r /system/app/*

adb push app /system/app/

adb shell


chmod 644 /system/app/*

OK that sort of seemed to work. Here is the screen print. The only problem is when I rebooted the tablet it just sits there and spins on the word Android.$Capture7.JPG