Listening To Audible (Amazon) Books On Nook Tablet

Dec 10, 2012
I'm sure this question has been asked before but I'm a newbie with Android stuff so please be patient with me...

I would like to listen to the Audible books that I downloaded from on my Nook. How can I do this? Thanks to everyone in advance for reading this and not laughing at me.
Hi Judith,

Congrats on your Nook Tablet. It is a great device. If you are not rooted you need to check the Barnes & Noble app store for the Audible app. If it is in there you should be able to. If the app isn't in the B&N App Store you might need to root your tablet, install a custom ROM on your tablet or use a bootable SD card to be able to download and use the app either from the Amazon App Store of Google Play Store.

You can check this thread to learn about rooting and custom ROMs as well as searching this forum and the internet for more information since it is a large topic. Once you have learned a little about it you can make the decision to alter your Nook Tablet and unlock all its goodness.

Thank you for your reply. I checked the B&N app store and could not find an Audible app. I also checked the thread you referenced with no luck. As for the rest of your reply, I am embarrassed to say that I have no idea what you are talking about. :confused: But thank you anyway.
Yes, I know rooting and ROMs sounds scary and can be intimidating but really it just means that you are opening up your tablet to take full advantage of the Android operating system. The Nook looks different because of how Barnes & Noble set it up but underneath it is running Android just like all the smart phones and other tablets. The linked thread was just meant to give an idea about what some of the options are.

Read around this form particularly the Nook and the internet and you will start to get an idea of what it all means. It is almost like learning a new language in some ways. At first things don't make sense but the more you look into it the better your understanding becomes.

......and the more you get obsessed with Android stuff.....that's what happened to me,I bought a nook to read and now I use it for more than that! Anyway,a friend of mine who has a nook and uses audio books, told me she just uses the music app her nook came with., you can try that