yippeee Audible now works on my NC !!


Jan 6, 2011
The latest update of the audible program has now made it functional on my NC... soooo nice.. as I sometimes prefer to LISTEN to books vs read them.. depending on what I am doing.. Have been and Audible customer for years... I was so disappointed when it didnt work on my NC... but hurray.. it is up and running..
I have a new Nook Color and haven't been able to use Audible. I tried the upgrade, but that didn't fix my problem. any advice?
I have a new Nook Color and haven't been able to use Audible. I tried the upgrade, but that didn't fix my problem. any advice?

What version of Android/B&N are you running on your nook? (Crenita, this is also a question for you so we know what it works on).
It worked when I was on autonooter after they did an upgrade to Audible. I could not get anything to work on STock....
. and again today I got another upgrade. for audible. but have now gone up to CM7.... and just checked and works just fine..
I have been a LONG time subscriber and have loads of books in their system..... ..and have audible on my Droid as well as my NC... .