Locked boot/lk.rom, missing serial no & wfi unable to start - advice please.


Jan 30, 2012
Hi guys. I recently managed to replace the touch screen on my X5A-G, so I've been testing some roms out, including a CM7 GB rom. Anyway, at some point my serial number and macc address has been over written. I've tried spoofing the macc address, and I've reflashed with FWDN tool, but that doesn't write the serial or macc to my tab. The Macc address is being written to a softmac file, though.

The FWDN tool lets me enter my WiFi MAC Address (OUI: 0x[first 6 chars MAC), NIC: 0x(last 6 chars MAC), and over write my serial number, and confirms Device's SerialNumber : XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX@õÅ[FWDN during flash, and in the log file, (see: X5A-G_fwdn_log1_20120128). But after boot up, it is missing, getprop shows the following: [ro.serialno]: [].

Is my assumption correct that this is happening because the lk.rom/bootloader is locked? Would appreciate any advice on unlocking lk.rom and/or bootloader please.

Also, after playing about with toggling Airplane mode/shutdown/restart, the WiFi service started on boot a couple of times, and the second time I was able to log into my router, (see: 20120128 dumpsys wifi (wifi started)).

Connection lasted about half an hour (until reboot), but I couldn't browse in Stock Browser or Dolphin. Getting the connection back isn't straight forward. It can come back after toggling of airplane and rebooting, once, or trying it many times.

I'm not sure if this is related to airplane mode/wifi sleep policy, missing serial number, or both.

This particular model of HSG-X5a (G11) does root with tools such as z4root. SU has to be pushed and permissions set from ADB.

X5A-G (G11) 4GB
2.1-update 1
2.6.29 root@localhost #157
MID 1.1
Linux localhost 2.6.29 #157 Tue Oct 26 09:37:10 HKT 2010 armv6l unknown


  • $20120128 dumpsys wifi (wifi started).txt
    2.7 KB · Views: 692
  • $X5A-G_fwdn_log1_20120128.txt
    2.3 KB · Views: 1,374
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