Looking for experienced themer to make Jarvis system/Ironman theme


Aug 24, 2011
Hi, i am looking for a very high tech looking Jarvis from Ironman theme. Preferably a live wallpaper and some matching general widgets etc...does anyone know of any that exist? Or are there any themers that think they would be able and willing to make one? I have no problem paying a themer if they do a good job :)

Looking for stuff like this:(though this one is a bit too crowded for my liking)



This is the theme I have on my iPhone:

Basically want something like that, that black and light blue color scheme and would be awesome if it was live and some of the panels faded or blinked blue, high tech and Stark Industries looking, and with matching widgets.If you think you can help send me an email at NutMeg050790@aol.com

Thanks :)
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the first thing image you got,where did you find it at,it looks real nice,i'm curuous..sorry I'm unable to help make a theme for you tho.