Looking for Ployer Momo11 Speed ROM/Official Firmware


Oct 26, 2012
Hello guys

I just got my new tablet - Momo11 Speed and it come with JB 4.1.1.
The device is not stable at all ! every few hours it crash and then the system wont get on again (it freeze on the loading animation) and i need to wait a few hours / even a day to try again and then it work until the next crash.
The reboot button that is on the back is not working at all.

I was thinking that if i would get 4.0.3/4 version it will be stable and i will be able to use the tablet.
I looked at google for hours and i didn't find link to this rom.

So please if someone have link for me or have the device with that version and can compress the rom and upload for me that would be great!
Thank you very much !

There are a lot of chinese tablet that has very similar hardware (rockchip 3066 and so on...) so if someone know if i can install other tablet rom that would be great as well (as long you give me link to that rom ;) )
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You don't use livesuite... On the Speed you need to use the Rock chip batch tool. It should be zipped up with the ICS firmware.

Put it in flash mode by powering on by pressing and holding power & volume +
I have momo11 speed
The link that you gave is for Bird version.

Anyway i found the firmware, now i just cant instell it through livesuit - the guid say to push volume + and 10 times on the power button but nothing happend...
someone know what is the problem?


I have been having similar problems with the Momo11 Speed.

You say you found the firmware for 4.0.4,
any chance of a link to it?

Did you manage to flash the firmware?
Did it fix the problem?

Thanks in advance.
Hi MOMO11SpeedUK.

I've been looking for this firmware too, downloaded from your link (03F2-P1-H2-M02-1708.20120811) But I keep gettting the below error.


Is this ROM any good or has it become corrupt somehow?

MANY thanks in advance.

EDIT: Nevermind - Found a working Momo11 Speed 4.0.4 Rom on some Chinese website.
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Hello, newbie here.

I've just rooted and flashed my Samsung Galaxy SII and am now wanting to root a MOMO11 Speed I bought my parents for xmas as it has come with Chinese ICS ROM on it. I've managed to change the language to English but some of the apps are still in Chinese and some of the other stuff comes up in Chinese also.

If I flash the ROM above will everything be in English?

If so, please would you let me know how to root the MOMO11 Speed before I flash?

PS. I assume to flash it's the same as my SGSII - once rooted I can just put the ROM on the SD card and run it from "download mode"

PPS. How can I actually check it's the Speed and not the Bird - I know it's something to do with the CPU but how do I find out what hardware is in it? I've looked in "about tablet"

Thanx in advance