Looking for Ployer Momo11 Speed ROM/Official Firmware

PPS. How can I actually check it's the Speed and not the Bird - I know it's something to do with the CPU but how do I find out what hardware is in it? I've looked in "about tablet"

Thanx in advance

Okay... first things first: What did it say in about tablet? MOMO11 Speed?
On your packaging or factory fitted screen protector does it mention RK3066?
Okay... first things first: What did it say in about tablet? MOMO11 Speed?
On your packaging or factory fitted screen protector does it mention RK3066?

There is a little sticker on the edge of the screen with things in Chinese and one of them does say RK3066 I think (I'm at work so can't check but I'm pretty sure cos I noticed it was one of the only stickers I could decipher lol)
There is a little sticker on the edge of the screen with things in Chinese and one of them does say RK3066 I think (I'm at work so can't check but I'm pretty sure cos I noticed it was one of the only stickers I could decipher lol)

Yep I've checked for definite and the sticker round the edge of the screen is all in Chinese except for one that says Rockchip 3066 and 1.6 Ghz with some more Chinese lettering underneath it. All the others are Chinese and so I can't understand them.
Yep I've checked for definite and the sticker round the edge of the screen is all in Chinese except for one that says Rockchip 3066 and 1.6 Ghz with some more Chinese lettering underneath it. All the others are Chinese and so I can't understand them.

No worries... good.
Ok, so is there a that black strip across the back of the tablet, towards the bottom? - where 'MOMO' is written?
Hello, newbie here.

I've just rooted and flashed my Samsung Galaxy SII and am now wanting to root a MOMO11 Speed I bought my parents for xmas as it has come with Chinese ICS ROM on it. I've managed to change the language to English but some of the apps are still in Chinese and some of the other stuff comes up in Chinese also.

If I flash the ROM above will everything be in English?

If so, please would you let me know how to root the MOMO11 Speed before I flash?

PS. I assume to flash it's the same as my SGSII - once rooted I can just put the ROM on the SD card and run it from "download mode"

PPS. How can I actually check it's the Speed and not the Bird - I know it's something to do with the CPU but how do I find out what hardware is in it? I've looked in "about tablet"

Thanx in advance

So do you think it's the Speed rather than the Bird and if so how can I root and then flash it with an English ROM?

Thanx in advance
So do you think it's the Speed rather than the Bird and if so how can I root and then flash it with an English ROM?

Thanx in advance

Sorry, not been about...
I think you have a MOMO11 II (same hardware and internals as the Speed, just an aluminium coloured back with the speakers next to each other).
You have two choices really:

1> Root easily with a Chinese app called ZhouDashi, then just remove all Chinese apps completely.

2> Install CWM for RK3066 devices, then flash a custom ROM through recovery (kind of like how you did your S2 probably).

Personal preference really.
Sorry, not been about...
I think you have a MOMO11 II (same hardware and internals as the Speed, just an aluminium coloured back with the speakers next to each other).
You have two choices really:

1> Root easily with a Chinese app called ZhouDashi, then just remove all Chinese apps completely.

2> Install CWM for RK3066 devices, then flash a custom ROM through recovery (kind of like how you did your S2 probably).

Personal preference really.

Yes the speakers are next to each other.

I think I'd like to do the 2nd option you mention. So how would I go about that please? And would I be able to flash it with Jellybean by doing that?
You've got the best version IMO ;)
The custom ROM is JellyBean based

Aww thank you :)
Where can I get the software that will root the tablet? I used ODIN for my Samsung Galaxy SII but I believe that is some software that has been developed for Samsung only or can I use that? And what do I need to flash it with - I'm sure I used a specific kernal for my Galaxy (which I'm guessing I couldn't use for my MOMO cos it won't be compatible) and that kernal also installed the CWM onto my Galaxy ready for me to flash ROMs (ie. like the one in the link you have given me).

Forgive me for being a bit dumb about all this but when I did my Galaxy SII it was my first time and I also managed to find everything in virtually one place on XDA forums but I can't seem to find anything like that with the MOMO and I'm scared of bricking it (as it's a xmas gift for my parents)
just google zhoudash-2.2.0 setup and you'll find the software.

you have to unroot then root to get it fully rooted.

we have the same tablet :D got rooted just a week ago.

only problem now is to get CWM and I'm good.
just google zhoudash-2.2.0 setup and you'll find the software.

you have to unroot then root to get it fully rooted.

we have the same tablet :D got rooted just a week ago.

only problem now is to get CWM and I'm good.

Did you manage to get CWM - I'm new to this and when I rooted my Galaxy SII CWM was installed at the same time (I'm not used to doing it in stages like this - seems I had an easy ride with GSII lol)
New firmware released today on the Ployer Website :D

And will that firmware not have all the Chinese apps on as that is what I'm striving for - just want everything in English like on my phone (as it's for my parents and they'll just be confused as to why it has a mix on it and they've never had a tablet before so I need it to be as smooth a transition as possible for them lol)

If this firmware does have all the Chinese apps on, where can I get some firmware that is purely English please?
And will that firmware not have all the Chinese apps on as that is what I'm striving for - just want everything in English like on my phone (as it's for my parents and they'll just be confused as to why it has a mix on it and they've never had a tablet before so I need it to be as smooth a transition as possible for them lol)

If this firmware does have all the Chinese apps on, where can I get some firmware that is purely English please?

It's real easy to remove all unwanted Chinese apps.
Once firmware is installed and you've changed language and time to English, just root (using preferred method), then install something like Link2SD and remove the unneeded Chinese apps.