Hi guys, how's it going, Im new to this site. And I really need your help. I want to buy "or looking to purchase" a Ainol Novo 7 Paladin Android 4.0 Tablet 7 Inch 8GB, like the one at the above picture. Actually I want to buy 2, one for me and one for my son, cause his birthday is coming up. And just recently the idea came to thought. I live east in Maryland, which is near Washington DC and Virginia. Is there a way "website" for me to find/look up, locate products and find witch local stores/dealers carrying the Ainol Novo7 Android tablet.
I just wish the thought came sooner, It doesn't give me enough time to order online and wait, and it would also cost me an arm and a leg for 24hr, 3/5 day shipping. There is free shipping which is superb, but that would take 2 for 4 weeks tops. I know, its a mess for me, don't know what to think right now. I'm willing to commute 10, 20 or 50 miles if I have too, if there's a store carrying it near my area. Or do you know or have an Idea of what should I do or go, please let me know something ASAP, I hate to pressure you. I do appreciate it so much for you taking the time in reading my post and helping me.
Thank you guys
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