Lost password in Momo3 MID Android2.3 CPU RK2918


Jun 21, 2012
It's a problem with my MOMO3 MID Android 2.3 RK2918, DDR3 ,512M 7inc touchscreen from Ployer,
I forgot the pattern password and I can't recall it, I contacted the manufacturer and they sent me
some files like:
Driver_2818, and another zip file contains RKAndroid_v1.29 and rockdev, and I really follow
their steps but I keep getting a message says can't find system.inf ...SO is there any way
to get rid of the pattern password!!! Thanks in advance
Can you boot into recovery mode?
If so while in recovery mode, do a factory reset.

Actually I don't know how to get to recovery mode and I think that Chinese MID can't, I sent another email to them
and I'll let you know if they added any useful information ... Thanks so very much for your help :)
because I'm not expert and no nothing about Android so please let me shoe you what I did
I followed their email instructions and downloaded this file : MOMO1,MOMO3软件718DC-2818-8388 20110909
they they asked me to run mkupdate in CMD screen but the result wasn't right as follows:

can't open file: ./Image/misc.img
Press any key to continue . . .

when I checked the Image folder I found it empty so I downloaded another file not the one they told me about
and copy those files and run the command again and it goes as they said :)
any way the usb drive they gave me didn't work so I downloaded another one and my windows took it but then
told me it's not working properly, I couldn't do any thing else so I go to the next step in their email and tried to
run RKAndroidTool I got this message : Fail to open "Setting.ini" file

what should I do now..