"LOW ON SPACE" warning? And comming in and out of sleep issue.


Apr 14, 2011
I have a rooted MID7015 using the sticky in this group. I have about 30 or so apps on it since the root. Two issues:

(1) I am getting a "LOW ON SPACE: Device storage space is getting low" warning on top status bar. I have a 4GB SD in it. It shows mounted in the settings, and shows TOT SPACE: 3.69GB, AVAIL SPACE: 3.67GB. NAND MEM: TOT SPACE: 2.72GB, AVAIL SPACE: 2.72GB. So... any idea why I am getting these error?

(2) As apparently a common issue, my Coby keeps popping on and off while in sleep. Screen comes on for a few seconds, then off, then back on a few min later. All the time. What causes this? Via search here, I have not seen a smoking gun cause yet for this.

(1) The low memory is the portion the system has reserved for running apps. It is only about 70-80mb after all the system files are loaded. It is not the nand that is used for files like video and music. It is also not the external sdcard. An app like Android Assistant lets you see this memory and free up space. You probably have many background programs running you are not aware of.

(2) Seems nobody has found an across the board fix for this. Some claim they fixed it using various ways but the ones I've tried still don't seem to stick. Always comes back. I think it has to do with using an Android version meant for a phone on a tablet and the wifi. One of the so called fixes is to set the wifi to never sleep but it doesn't help in my case.
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WOW what apps do you have? How big are those files . I dont think thats your reason. I have 50+ . You can run A. assistant as popeye said. Also 1tap cache cleaner , when my tap feels slogish this seems to help *sometimes. Are you running any custom rom or just stock rooted? You should try one of the roms here on the stickies section.
The low on space warning is usually not for low ram as Android is designed to just kill off apps in the background to free up ram. This is why task killers are usually frowned upon. There are several possibilities not the least of which is the "cache partition.
Try this:

Open terminal

You should see a list of partitions and their sizes allocated and used. I don't have my tablet here so I can't tell you exactly but check to see if /cache is full.

Sounds like there is not even consensus on exactly what this "space" is that the message is referring to, huh?

when I hit the message on the notice bar, it takes me to Manage Applications menu. As if I would want to "force stop" or "uninstall". ??

I did the SU...DF that billquinn1 suggested. Shows 9 "partitions", all but one are 90% or more FREE/available space on all of them. /System is 184MB total, 71MB available.

In 1TAP, it basically shows all my applications I have loaded to date. does this mean they are running in the background? If so, why would they be doing that? I'll killed a bunch (checked and "ended" in 1tap), and that did nothing. I killed all but Z4root mod, nothing improved.

I used the rooting process step-by-step posted sticky by JSHARP21. No problem there. no other ROMS installed to my knowledge.

Sounds like there is not even consensus on exactly what this "space" is that the message is referring to, huh?

when I hit the message on the notice bar, it takes me to Manage Applications menu. As if I would want to "force stop" or "uninstall". ??

I did the SU...DF that billquinn1 suggested. Shows 9 "partitions", all but one are 90% or more FREE/available space on all of them. /System is 184MB total, 71MB available.

In 1TAP, it basically shows all my applications I have loaded to date. does this mean they are running in the background? If so, why would they be doing that? I'll killed a bunch (checked and "ended" in 1tap), and that did nothing. I killed all but Z4root mod, nothing improved.

I used the rooting process step-by-step posted sticky by JSHARP21. No problem there. no other ROMS installed to my knowledge.

I would be guessing right now but when I get home tonight I will look at it and suggest some things to try. There are 2 things you can do now to see if they help.
Boot into recovery and go down to "wipe cache" and do that. There is no danger there.
Go back to main menu then "advanced" and choose "wipe Dalvik cache" (I think it is in advanced). This is also safe but will take a while for your tablet to reboot. It will rebuild the apps structure cleaning out old entries for deleted stuff.
I hope this helps.

I would be guessing right now but when I get home tonight I will look at it and suggest some things to try. There are 2 things you can do now to see if they help.
Boot into recovery and go down to "wipe cache" and do that. There is no danger there.
Go back to main menu then "advanced" and choose "wipe Dalvik cache" (I think it is in advanced). This is also safe but will take a while for your tablet to reboot. It will rebuild the apps structure cleaning out old entries for deleted stuff.
I hope this helps.


Hi - how do you "boot into recovery"? never done that. :confused:
Hi - how do you "boot into recovery"? never done that. :confused:

When you rooted you had to install clockwork recovery and made a backup. That is where you need to be.
From terminal:
$su <press enter>
#reboot recovery <press enter>

Recovery is a plain black screen with green font.
the navigation is with the keys on the tablet:

Home is down
Menu is select
Back (silver round button) is back.

You may want to go back to the tutorial for hints on this and you might want to make a new backup as well.

Did the cache wipes, warning was still there.

Well, I deleted a few apps, including EBAY and 2-3 others, and the message went away. It was not that my device was full, but I am guessing one of these apps caused it to think it was full.
I have a rooted MID7015 using the sticky in this group. I have about 30 or so apps on it since the root. Two issues:

(1) I am getting a "LOW ON SPACE: Device storage space is getting low" warning on top status bar. I have a 4GB SD in it. It shows mounted in the settings, and shows TOT SPACE: 3.69GB, AVAIL SPACE: 3.67GB. NAND MEM: TOT SPACE: 2.72GB, AVAIL SPACE: 2.72GB. So... any idea why I am getting these error?

(2) As apparently a common issue, my Coby keeps popping on and off while in sleep. Screen comes on for a few seconds, then off, then back on a few min later. All the time. What causes this? Via search here, I have not seen a smoking gun cause yet for this.


I too have same problem with Pandigital 9 Black, Reason is clear....It has been rooted with PHONE software, thus memory allocation is same as of required for a PHONE not for TABLET.That is why we are getting this message of "low memory space" even after installing small programs.
Fix is hiiden in the script, to redefine the ALLOCATED memory for system and programs to enlarge it....otherwise 3 GIG is simply wasted.
Please dont suggest that how many program we have? or how long? It is only SCRIPT error.....REDEFINE ALLOCATED MEMORY and we will be OKAY.