Just got mine a few days back, and will note my experiences here. I may bounce around a question or two below for anyone who reads that far. 
Device status info seems to match up with Eken M009f (Android 2.3) stats here and elsewhere, so I will asssume that's what it is. Out of the box, it looked faster and generally more stable than Android 2.2 tablets I'd seen.
Initial charge took 4+ hours. Charger light does not seem to work properly after the first charge, as it does not go green once charged, but the tablet status app tracks this accurately.
Takes longer than my Sylvania to boot, not sure why save for maybe Android version.
The included Android Market is weird-- appeared to be the Chinese version in English with a limited selection. Some browsers from that Market crashed (Dolphin Mini, Opera Mini) but Puffin Free seems to work OK usually. Ended up having to get Amazon app market to load good browsers and apps I needed, so that worked out OK.
Haven't been able to root the device yet. I could probably do so with SuperOneClick, but I haven't had the time/inclination/need to do so yet as the only app I use requiring root access is QuickBoot. However, the power button on this unit is solid and will turn off well if held a few seconds.
Yesterday, dropped the device and it would not power on. Following instructions located on the net, I was able to locate the four screws under the black LCD plastic cover layer and removed them. Found a card inside had come loose from a socket (Processor? Memory DIMM? Wireless card?) Broke a screwholder somehow opening it up, but it still screwed back together OK. Looks ugly with all the bubbles in the plastic from lifting up two transparent plastic layers plus the black plastic layer. But, it still works. I couldn't see spending the money to ship the unit back. May try to hunt down a "mini-roller" and the correct adhesive at some point to put the layers back nicely, but when the thing is powered on you don't notice the funky corners anyway.
Wireless is not good on this gadget. Seems to work best if tablet held in front of you straight up like a mirror (90 degree angle?). Not optimal for private Internet activity, to be sure. Thankfully, I bought this for use as an eReader given the better advertised battery life than my Sylvania and can connect to LANs to download books, so wireless may not end up being much of an issue. Wondering if the wireless is an issue with the card or some wire/solder someplace, if it requires being held a certain way? Vendor says an external dongle might improve WiFi, but did not say it whether that referred to a USB or 3G dongle. I may try a USB dongle at some point, but that would be cumbersome given the need to have the USB port connector attached.
Initial battery "test" with wireless and no sound ran nearly 45 minutes from charge showing 58%. This means this gadget will easily outlast the M009f clone 40 minute batteries. My guess is that without wireless running I might get 3-4 hours uptime or more. If I get more than 3 hours uptime, the gadget pays for itself as an eReader as that beats my more expensive Sylvania.
Device status info seems to match up with Eken M009f (Android 2.3) stats here and elsewhere, so I will asssume that's what it is. Out of the box, it looked faster and generally more stable than Android 2.2 tablets I'd seen.
Initial charge took 4+ hours. Charger light does not seem to work properly after the first charge, as it does not go green once charged, but the tablet status app tracks this accurately.
Takes longer than my Sylvania to boot, not sure why save for maybe Android version.
The included Android Market is weird-- appeared to be the Chinese version in English with a limited selection. Some browsers from that Market crashed (Dolphin Mini, Opera Mini) but Puffin Free seems to work OK usually. Ended up having to get Amazon app market to load good browsers and apps I needed, so that worked out OK.
Haven't been able to root the device yet. I could probably do so with SuperOneClick, but I haven't had the time/inclination/need to do so yet as the only app I use requiring root access is QuickBoot. However, the power button on this unit is solid and will turn off well if held a few seconds.
Yesterday, dropped the device and it would not power on. Following instructions located on the net, I was able to locate the four screws under the black LCD plastic cover layer and removed them. Found a card inside had come loose from a socket (Processor? Memory DIMM? Wireless card?) Broke a screwholder somehow opening it up, but it still screwed back together OK. Looks ugly with all the bubbles in the plastic from lifting up two transparent plastic layers plus the black plastic layer. But, it still works. I couldn't see spending the money to ship the unit back. May try to hunt down a "mini-roller" and the correct adhesive at some point to put the layers back nicely, but when the thing is powered on you don't notice the funky corners anyway.
Wireless is not good on this gadget. Seems to work best if tablet held in front of you straight up like a mirror (90 degree angle?). Not optimal for private Internet activity, to be sure. Thankfully, I bought this for use as an eReader given the better advertised battery life than my Sylvania and can connect to LANs to download books, so wireless may not end up being much of an issue. Wondering if the wireless is an issue with the card or some wire/solder someplace, if it requires being held a certain way? Vendor says an external dongle might improve WiFi, but did not say it whether that referred to a USB or 3G dongle. I may try a USB dongle at some point, but that would be cumbersome given the need to have the USB port connector attached.
Initial battery "test" with wireless and no sound ran nearly 45 minutes from charge showing 58%. This means this gadget will easily outlast the M009f clone 40 minute batteries. My guess is that without wireless running I might get 3-4 hours uptime or more. If I get more than 3 hours uptime, the gadget pays for itself as an eReader as that beats my more expensive Sylvania.