Mailing to Groups in Gmail on the 700


Jul 18, 2012
I cannot find a way to use Groups in Gmail when emailing from my 700 tab. I tried an app called Contact GroupU but it won't work on ICS or JB.

It's beyond me that Gmail won't let me perform this simple task of hitting a Group name and sending email to everyone in it. Am I missing something? Surely??

Please help if you can: I have to do this often and it's unbearably frustrating!

I cannot find a way to use Groups in Gmail when emailing from my 700 tab. I tried an app called Contact GroupU but it won't work on ICS or JB.

It's beyond me that Gmail won't let me perform this simple task of hitting a Group name and sending email to everyone in it. Am I missing something? Surely??

Please help if you can: I have to do this often and it's unbearably frustrating!


You haven't missed anything. One day a developer will release an E-Mail app that can do groups and make a name for him/her self. At the moment I don't know of ANY mail client that can do group mail.
Thanx for that quick answer. And I'm increasingly dumbfounded. Google?? Gmail??? Huge, huge number of apps and settings, and you can't email from a Group???


MM.............thanks again!
The basic browser and chrome do not have the full gmail functionality which is rather dumbfounding. Firefox has worked so far. If you are asked to upgrade or modify GMail when in Firefox, don't do it. The one problem with Firefox on the TF700 is that I cannot copy and paste from a text file into the body. Also, Firefox does seem a little unstable at times.
GMail Groups. I just installed Group manager Pro for $1.90. Works like a charm for GMail and you can cut and paste into it.