Send Email To A Group Using Android Tablet Gmail


If for whatever reason you can't use the Contacts GroupU app.

1.) Using Names and Addresses from your contacts, create a text file with lines as follows:

"Able" <Able@AIM.Com>, "Baker" <Baker@Comcast.Net>, "Charlie" <Charlie@GMail.Com>,

"Dog" <Dog@AIM.Com>, "Easy" <Easy@Comcast.Net>, "Fox" <Fox@GMail.Com>,

Obviously, each of these lines however long would be one of your "Groups"

2.) Copy the "Group" that you wish to send your message to from the text file.

3.) Access your Gmail via your browser and Compose your email.

4.) Paste the "Group" in the "To" area of your new message and Send.

5. You're done.:)
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