Making the Move to Anroid


Jul 6, 2012
Hey Everyone,

I've been an Apple user now for the last five years or so, I use a Dell workstation running Windows XP 64 bit to run SolidWorks but for all other computing needs I use my Mac and iPhone 4s. Over the past year or so I've had a growing frustration with my Apple experience, I suppose the best way to sum it up is I feel like bull in an ever tightening chute with no way to go but Apples way. Not to mention my ever increasing kernel panics and software crashes. I had been a MobileMe user, it allowed me to upload large modeling and drawing files so my customers could download them but with MobileMe discontinued to make way for iClould that is no longer a possibility, and without upgrading from Snow Leopard to Lion I can't sync my phone contacts and mail. After yesterdays 3 kernel panics and Fire Fox crashing repeatedly I've decided to part ways with Apple.
By months end I plan on dumping the iPhone and going with the Galaxy s3 or perhaps the Galaxy Note. I'm also planning on getting the Asus TF700 with docking station when the TF700 becomes available. I do have concerns however, I don't need to be able to edit my SolidWorks files with my tablet but it would be nice to view them with SolidWorks eDrawing viewer, the viewer is available for Mac but not Android. I have heard rumors that SolidWorks is working on an eDrawings viewer for Android. If anyone knows of an alternative I'd like to hear about it. But here are my real concerns, over the past 5 years I have quite a collection of photos and music that has been purchased through iTunes, I'd hate to lose either. I'm not sure what to do here, can I move the music files to my dropbox and later sync them to my Android Tablet? Can I do the same with my photographs? Would I need to export each photo from iPhoto to separate them from the iPhoto library? Any help y'all can give I'd appreciate it, thanks.
Welcome to the forum October

I think your reasoning, particularly on the TF700, is very sound. ;) I don't know if or when the eDrawing viewer will come to pass but I may be of some help on the photos and the music. Since you are located in the US you can subscribe, through the computer with the iTunes, to Google Music,, and it will over to install a small program that will (slowly) upload all your iTunes and any other music on your system to the Google Cloud. It's free, but the limitation is 20,000 songs, no space restriction.

As for the photos, with the TF700 you basically have unlimited storage space using microSD cards but yes, DropBox, and several other cloud storage services are available, some with fairly generous free storage.

Possibly someone else could answer the question regarding separating the iPhotos from the gallery.
Hey october_12, welcome to the forum, nice of you to become a member of Android Tablets. Enjoy the forum!
I believe everyone deserves their opinion, but don't like what Apple has been doing to Google, Sammy, and other companies lately. Like I have said before, If you want to compete, make a better product.
And if the Viewer never comes, you could always remote in on your pc. Not sure about data limits for your phone, however...
TeamViewer makes a very good mobile app, I believe.