Manual for MID-android 4


Oct 6, 2012
Where is a good manual for MID Android 4.0?
I just have purchased an Android 4.0.and the little booklet in sub minture print that came with is unreadable!
I'm a golden oldie ,new to android tablets, so I need a general book or one for this product; to allow me to navigate. I can access the internet/email but finding it inpossible to understand the way of getting access to files or deleting etc. Also how I add extra memory and what should I be specifing if I wish to add. Any help would be gratefully received.
Many thanks
Where is a good manual for MID Android 4.0?
I just have purchased an Android 4.0.and the little booklet in sub minture print that came with is unreadable!
I'm a golden oldie ,new to android tablets, so I need a general book or one for this product; to allow me to navigate. I can access the internet/email but finding it inpossible to understand the way of getting access to files or deleting etc. Also how I add extra memory and what should I be specifing if I wish to add. Any help would be gratefully received.
Many thanks

Hi Tony,

You can find a nice online maual here: Android Manual, Android User Guide

You need to use a file manager to access and delete files unless they are associated to a program and for extra memory your tablet most likely supports Micro SD cards.
Last edited:
Hello Tony, welcome to the forum. Nice of you to become a member of Android Tablets. To get started, I'd suggest you click this link to the Android Tablet Q&A section. Read the "Sticky:" threads at the beginning for some good general information about tablets and Android. As far as manuals are concerned, the links below will take you to various manuals that you may find useful.
Many thanks for your help - the online manual is very useful and has already answered some of my questions. Must get back to playing/practicing with the tablet before I forget what I have learnt :)

Thanks again

Thanks for taking the time answering my plea for help. The Android OS Help was particularly useful.

All the best
