Installed aLogcat and observed the data for awhile. That deserved another "Thanks" from me. Very interesting. Don't know why I never used this program before. Guess I had it in my head that root is needed. Anyway, watching the tablet's "thoughts" go by is more fun than watching a stupid reality show.I have a couple of Errorno=22 related to 161 which I think is GTalk, but that's the only problem I can determine, but might not be important. Thanks again!
You may want to keep in mind that logs are handy tools, but can report a lot of noise that may worry users without justification. In general, a prudent strategy for using logs is:
1.) Watch your logs for a while when you are not having any problems -- to establish a baseline of what your system looks like on a sunny day. Expect to see warnings and errors. These do not mean that your system has any real problem, and are often just the consequence of the way some developer decided to report a given condition. It could have been reported as information, or as warnings/errors.
2.) Forget about the logs until you encounter a problem with the system or an application. When you have a real problem, look for correlating information/warnings/errors in the logs.
The point is to just use the logs when you have a real problem and enjoy your computer.